Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Prayer Meeting for NC & NYC Mission Teams this Thursday

Thank you, parents, family, and friends, for your faithfulness to pray for our domestic mission teams.

The team values prayer so much that we want to invite you to an evening of prayer for both the high school and middle school teams. We hope that you will join Associate Pastor Travis Simone on Thursday night, July 14th, from 7pm-8pm in the Student Ministries Worship Room for a time of corporate prayer for the New York City and North Carolina Mission Teams.

Again, all are invited to come and pray for the teams, and we would like to extend a special invitation to parents with children on either (or both!) of the trips. This is a great opportunity for loved ones back at home to experience Jesus along with your children and participate in the work they are doing in NC and NYC. Thank you for covering us in prayer!