Friday, July 15, 2011

NC Update Day 6- July 15th

Final greetings from Weaverville! 

We've spent our final day of serving here in NC and God was incredibly faithful in the work our students accomplished. We had breakfast at ReCreation this morning and then our team was on clean-up duty. They helped the staff clear the dishes, sweep all the floors, and cleaned up the kitchen. Afterwards we ventured out to Paint Rock for the last day in the ditches. 

Our students completed the digging and leveling work at the site during the morning. All three trenches had to be completely level and as deep as a shovel head before pipes could be laid in. The lunch crew put our sandwiches together so we could enjoy our last day eating on site together. After lunch the pipe work started and miraculously got finished. The students laid in pipes through all the trenches and then filled back in the dirt. All that is left for the experts to finish is the connecting work between the lines and connecting in the supply line. 

Our team was blessed and surprised by two acts of love and kindness from the Paint Rock Church today. When we arrived on site this morning our students found red felt ribbons on the shovels. We learned from our ReCreation staffer that during their service last night, the congregation at Paint Rock prayed over our mission team and the work we were doing. They prayed for safety as we worked and blessings to be present in our lives. After our lunch today, the pastor commuted the 59 mile drive from Knoxville to say 'thank you' to our team. A few church members came with him and our students were finally able to engage with the people they have spent the week serving. We shared many hugs and were so thankful for the vision of Christ they were to our team. 

We had a final worship service with the ReCreation staff and other teams. The students were challenged to carry the lessons they learned and the experiences they've shared back to Williamsburg to their families and community. During our last porch time event tonight, the students heard the final message in our mission series on Abraham. Small groups ran long as students spent time engaging with their leaders processing the trip. 

We've said it once, but a hundred times wouldn't be enough, so thank you for the opportunity to spend this week with your students. They have been shining Christ's light not only to us as leaders, but also to the ReCreation staff and the community here in Weaverville. It has been a blessed week indeed. We are so excited for our students to return home to you so that they can share their past week with you. 

We'll be departing around 9am tomorrow. Our kids will have breakfast and then pack up to head out. Text updates will be sent as we complete the return journey. Sweet dreams! 

Love in Christ, 
SM Staff Team