Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 2: Serving Begins

After breakfast, we set out for our first ministry site this morning.  Union Mission Ministries is a homeless shelter but we quickly found out that they are much more than just a place that provides a roof for those without one.  They have a very extensive and well managed organization that seeks to meet real and felt needs of the homeless in Norfolk, VA.  They provide meals, beds, job training, budget training, clothes, and strict guidelines that help move men, women, and families from the street into their own self-sustaining life.  Along with that they understand people's real desire for a relationship with their Creator and so they seek to introduce everyone to Jesus and the power that can come from a relationship with Him.

Getting to take a tour was really eye-opening for everyone, but getting to partner with them by donating school supplies was a special way for everyone to feel connected to the work being done in Norfolk.  The students were very impressed by the gratitude shown for the donations and excited to help kids that would not have otherwise even gotten new notebooks or pens for school.

After lunch and some competitive soccer at a local park, we headed to a nursing home named Consulate Health Care.  It was nothing short of a miracle watching everyone step out of their comfort zone and engage with the residents that may or may not have been very responsive.  Through games like wheelchair soccer and wii bowling as well as conversations around a table, God did a great work through everyone as they brought a smile to many residents at the Nursing home through the love they shared.

We ended the day with another porch time where Luke began to answer the question of where we can find God in our everyday lives and not only on a weekend long mission trip.  During small group time everyone was able to wrestle with why it can be challenging to find God in Williamsburg and what we can do to reorient our lives toward Him.  It has been a great day and we are looking forward to visiting Park Place Child Life Center tomorrow and then coming home.

See you tomorrow!