Monday, July 11, 2011

NC Update Day 2- July 11

Hey, y'all!

Hooray for our first complete day in NC! We've been blessed to spend the day in fellowship with each other and with Christ as we worked at Paint Rock Baptist Church. Our students were a great vision of Christ to our leaders in the way they devoted themselves so fully to the work before them.

Wake up calls start at 6:15am here in Weaverville, so our first day started early for both students and leaders. We ate breakfast among the other mission teams serving with ReCreation this week before joining in a huge worship service to kick off the day. We sang together and heard a great message on serving Christ fully through our work projects this week. The buses pulled out around 8:30 and we headed for our work site.

Our students spent the day starting a large septic line project at a small church in the mountains of North Carolina called Paint Rock. Currently, the church's only restroom facilities are two small outhouses just up a rustic path from the church building. The project we are helping them to realize this week is to finally provide indoor plumbing. Our students worked tirelessly both this morning and this afternoon to dig a supply line and begin work on the septic drainage field. They cleared and dug trenches like pros and we were so proud to see their willingness to serve the church family at Paint Rock. One of our 8th grade girls small groups prepared sandwiches for lunch, so our students gathered on the hillside to enjoy lunch and break time together. They worked for a few more hours this afternoon on the septic trenches before we headed out for showers.

After getting showered, we had dinner with the other teams and then the kids had free time for about an hour and a half. As you can imagine our students loved having some time to just enjoy fellowship together. They played sports, games together, and time together talking. We gathered after the break for porch time. It was neat to see our students come together and share the experiences they'd had during the day and all the moments they'd  seen Christ. We did worship and listened to a talk by Luke before breaking up for small group time.

The kids did great today! We're really proud of them and are thankful for the opportunity God has given us to walk alongside these students as they encounter him this week. We ask that you continue to pray for servant hearts in our students as they face another day of work in the trenches tomorrow. Our prayer is that through this time of service they would grow in their faith and really encounter Christ through fellowship. Thank you for checking in with us and all the prayers you're covering our team in.

Love in Christ,
SM Staff Team