Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Norfolk Team Meeting - 6.11.13

The first hour of hour meeting was dedicated to parents.  We discussed the goals behind Chapel mission trips and the specifics of our trip.  If you were unable to attend then take a look at the PowerPoint slides below and let Luke know if you have any further questions.

During the second hour we continued our study of Peter in Acts 10-11 with your kids.  Luke talked about objections that we may hold to how God might work in the world.  He discussed how we all hold different doubts towards the plan of God that can cause us to miss out on God's plan.  Peter was willing to remove objections from his life and we need to take a look at our own objections in order to see where God might be trying to teach us something.  If you missed the meeting then go ahead and read Acts 10:23-33 and then take a look at the small group questions we discussed that are below.

We also played a fun game to learn a little bit more about Nicaragua, so feel free to read through the questions to learn a little bit about the area we are serving.

We handed out folders with the updated checklist, packing list, and parental consent forms.  If you need any of these forms then find them in the links below.

Our final meeting is on July 16th from 6:30-8:30pm.  Please let Luke know if you are going to be unable to make it and email or call Luke with further questions at or 941-1572.