Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Final North Carolina Team Meeting - 6.12.13

At our final team meeting we finished our pre-trip study of Peter's encounter with God in Acts 10-11.  We looked at how God tells us to get some of our assumptions out of the way.  We often try and put God in a box, but God often wants to break our assumptions and expand our view of God.  We studied this by looking at Acts 10:34-48.  If you missed the meeting and want to look at the small group questions we discussed then click on the link below.

Small Group Questions

Please make sure you have turned in all forms and money as soon as you can if you have not already.  If you are missing any of the forms then here are links for them.  The first link is the checklist of everything you should have turned in.

Meeting Checklist

Recreation Experience Forms

WCC Parental Consent Form

Here is the packing list for the trip.

Packing List

Our trip dates are July 7-13.  We will leave around 1pm after church on Sunday the 7th and so please come to our 11am student service if you are able so that we can pray for the team and leave promptly.  Make sure to have a packed lunch for your kid as well as money for one fast food meal on the way down and one fast food meal on the way back.

Finally, we are going to have a prayer night for the parents while your kids are away on the trip.  We will post the date and time once it is finalized as well as send out a text.  Please feel free to ask Luke if you have any further questions by emailing him at or calling him at 941-1572.