Saturday, June 23, 2012

Nicaragua Update- Friday 6/22/12

Greetings, los compaƱeros de Estado Unidos! It's hard to believe we've already been here for three full days. We've seen the Lord move in so many powerful ways and are excited for the many opportunities to serve and encounter Christ still on the horizon.

Serving Group 1 (All Seniors: Led by Craig) continued building relationships with their friends in Nueva Vida while finishing up the painting projects and church construction. After they finished their work there, the seniors had the unique opportunity of being the first group of Americans to help at a brand new feeding center within the Nueva Vida community. These feeding centers represent a great hope for the community. By providing one meal a day, a parent's ability to send their kids to school, rather than to the streets to beg, grows dramatically. A fun-filled afternoon followed their special encounter with Jesus while serving these children lunch.  The group then boarded the bus to go the pool.  This is an experience the children rarely have.  The relational foundations laid serving lunch went a long way toward the group connecting at the pool in even deeper ways.

Serving Group 2 (Quinn/Dante's Junior Guys Small Group, Lindsey's Junior Girls Small Group, All Sophomore Girls: Led by Luke) spent a full day with the children at the Ciudad Sandino feeding center. It was a blessing to reunite with the same group of kids they had met two days earlier. Part of the group finished digging a waterline for a section of the community that currently lacks running water. Another portion of the group worked on the support beams for the new building at the feeding center. Finally, others went out into the community to meet local families and invite their children to play and participate in a VBS lesson later that day. The VBS consisted of a craft, a game and one of the kids from the Chapel giving a powerful testimony regarding the power of forgiveness. The ability to spend a significantly longer period of time with the Ciudad Sandino kids today has had a big impact on the team and they look forward to seeing them all again on Saturday. 

Serving Group 3 (Watt's Junior Guys Small Group, Christine's Junior Girls Small Group, All Sophomore Guys: Led by Lex) enjoyed a day focused at El Canyon orphanage. They painted walls a vibrant "bonita" shade of purple. It may sound odd to American ears, but paint is an important part of Nicaraguan culture. People with the means update the paint colors often as a symbol of taking responsibility for  caring for what they own. A fresh coat of paint helps the children at the orphanages have greater levels of self respect and confidence. After the painting project was complete, the team played soccer and made jewelry with the children. The team was also invited to join the local church for a time of worship and fellowship that evening. At this service, the kids from the orphanage demonstrated their deep faith in God's goodness in the midst of difficult circumstances. It was a privilege for the team to be a part of such a service.

All three groups met back at the Casa Bernabe Team Center for a youth worship service with children from the orphanage. Together we all experienced lively games, worship and a message delivered by a Chapel student about what mature faith in the Lord looks like. Williamsburg students and Nicaraguan kids danced and clapped joyously together singing songs in both English and Spanish. It was a moving  time for all of us as we saw the passion and happiness in the faces of all as we worshipped the Lord.

Travis spoke at Porch time on Mark 3:1-6. He challenged us to avoid distractions and see the people right in front of us as the most important ministry opportunity in which we can be engaged. Afterward there was a new and unified energy and sense of passion for the work being done here in Central America.

¡Dios Te bendiga!

The SM Staff