Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Nicaragua Team Update - Tuesday, 6/26/12

The team has left our ministry sites and is in route to the debrief housing location.  We are all very thankful for the final opportunity we had this morning to return to our work sites to pray for the people with whom we have built relationships throughout the trip.  It was a privilege to partner with these ministry sites.  Our hope is that the prayers we lifted up to the Lord this morning were not the last prayers we pray for our new friends as we seek to take the lessons learned in Nicaragua and bring them back to Williamsburg.

While at the debrief site we will not be updating the blog due to the lack of internet connection.  This will be our final blog post until Thursday morning when we will begin periodically updating the blog and sending out text messages to keep everyone posted on our progress traveling to Williamsburg.

We have had a truly tremendous trip.  God has been very good to us in terms of spiritual transformation and logistics coming together.  Our prayer now is that each trip participant would take full advantage of this opportunity to process and solidify the lessons God has taught them during this time.  Please join us in lifting up this prayer over the next two days.

Again, please look for the next update Thursday morning.

¡Dios te Bendiga!

The SM Staff Team