Thursday, June 21, 2012

Nicaragua Team Update- Wednesday 6/20/12

Hello, family and friends! Our first day in Nicaragua has been a great success, and we are thrilled to say that God has already shown up in some powerful ways. Here are a few details on some of the activities each of our three serving groups were involved in today:

Serving Group 1 (All Seniors--led by Craig)
Craig's group began their day by heading out to start a work project at Nueva Vida, a feeding center located north of Managua. After hearing the vision of the church from Pastor Alfredo, our students served lunch to over 150 children and then taught a VBS lesson complete with games, songs, and a message about joy. When one of the translators asked all the kids, "Who is going to come back tomorrow to hang out with the Chapel team?," all the children cheered and shouted "me!" (Only they said it in Spanish, of course!). It was clearly God working through the members of this group to create such a joyful environment that all the Nicaraguan kids wanted to experience it again. After VBS, Craig's group returned to the Team Center in the afternoon and joined Group 2 for fellowship with the children at the Casa Bernabe orphanage (where groups #1 and #2 are staying).

Serving Group 2 (Quinn/Dante's Junior Boys Small Group, Lindsey's Junior Girls Small Group, and all Sophomore Girls--led by Luke)
Luke's serving group also started their day by visiting a new feeding program in Ciudad Sandino, a community located just outside Managua. The team worked together to complete a variety of projects, from placing an underground drainage line, to painting roof support beams, to serving lunch to around 100 children, and finally playing games with them until it was time to leave in the afternoon. Although the day was hot, the team amazed their leaders with their boundless energy and their eagerness to serve no matter what the task at hand. Luke's group is excited to continue building new relationships when they head back to Ciudad Sandino this coming Friday. 

Serving Group 3 (Watt's Junior Boys Small Group, Christine's Junior Girls Small Group, and all Sophomore Boys--led by Lex)
Lex's serving group began their day in similar fashion, getting to focus on the kids at a feeding center at Verbo Sur, also north of the capital city. While some students helped out in the kitchen or served by completing some yardwork projects to beautify the church grounds, others engaged children with crafts and games. By the end of lunch, your children had formed instant connections with the kids at the Verbo Sur feeding center, and they are excited to continue to invest in these relationships throughout the week. On the way to porch time at Team Center in Casa Bernabe, the group stopped at the El Canyon orphanage to meet the kids they will spend time with later in the week. (Lex's group is being housed at the Quinta Arien team center, where many members of this serving group stayed last year.)

All three groups reunited at night for the traditional "porch time," a reflective experience with teaching and worship that closes each day we serve during our time in Nicaragua. We opened our Bibles to 1 Kings 19:19-21 and heard Travis speak on the concept of calling, and how Nicaragua helps us examine our lives and identify what we are holding onto that God has asked us to give up.

The entire team is looking forward to encountering God tomorrow in the children we will serve and in each other. Thank you so much for your continued prayers. We really do feel covered in love and prayer as we all step out in faith to grow closer to Christ through serving, and we look forward to sharing more stories with you tomorrow!

¡Dios te bendiga!

The SM Staff Team