Tuesday, June 7, 2011

MS Norfolk Overnight Training Meeting

 We had a great night and morning this past weekend at the Missions Overnight. Friday night we got together as a team and learned about Abram. After discussing the teaching in our small groups, we headed back to the SM worship room  for worship with the other missions teams. After worship, we separated into our missions teams again and the Norfolk team watched the Lion, the Witch of the Wardrobe. The movie highlighted 4 kids working together to serve others. We used the movie as a jumping off point to discuss how we could best serve the people of Norfolk.

After a good night's sleep, we loaded up two charter buses and headed to William and Mary where the SM summer interns had planned a fun "Amazing Race" style game. We separated into our small groups, got fun costumes and headed out to complete different challenges that helped teach us about teamwork. We finished off our time with a debrief at the Matoaka Amphitheater complete with delicious Chick-fil-a and a prize for the winning team before heading back to the Chapel to be picked up. It was a wonderful weekend and we can't wait for the Norfolk missions trip July 28-30!

Checklist #1
Abram Discussion Questions #1
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe Discussion Questions