Tuesday, June 7, 2011

HS Nicaragua Overnight Training Recap

What a great weekend. It's hard to believe that we leave for Nicaragua in two weeks. We still have one more training meeting, so please make sure you are staying informed with all important details and that you are getting your support money and paperwork in asap.

Some items to highlight:
All paperwork (ORPHANetwork Form, Copy of Passport, and WCC Parental Consent Form) was due at the overnight. If you are missing any of these forms, please turn them in by Thursday, June 9th!
Your remaining trip balance is due at the final team meeting on June 14th. If you have questions about your balance, email Alexis at akincaid@wcchapel.org or call her at 941-1241.
Each team member should purchase one package of underwear and one package of socks for a child of your gender and bring it to the last team meeting. The final team meeting will be our packing meeting, so please bring high-quality donations to this meeting as well.

Below you will find the checklist from the overnight, as well as the discussion questions from our teaching time.

If you have any questions, please contact Alexis (akincaid@wcchapel.org; 941-1241 (office); 919-260-0719 (cell).

Our final team meeting is on Tuesday, June 14th from 6:30-8:30pm in the SM Worship Room.

Nicaragua Checklist - June 3, 2011

Pre-Trip Curriculum - Abraham #2 Nicaragua