Monday, June 20, 2011

Final North Carolina Meeting Details

We have finished our final training meeting and are very excited about our trip.  At our meeting we finished our discussion on Abram's encounter with God and what we can learn about his encounter that carries over to our trip.  Below you will find the small group questions that we discussed at the meeting, the final checklist, and our packing list.  There is one change to the packing list that I want to point out.  We actually will be stopping for a meal on the way down to North Carolina, so each students needs to pack a lunch for the bus as well as bring some money for dinner that night.  Originally we asked them to only pack a dinner, but now they need to be prepared for two meals on the way down.

Final Checklist

Small Group Questions

Packing List

Luke will be out of the country on the High School Nicaragua trip until July 1st, but if you have any questions please feel free to leave a message on his phone at 941-1572 or send him an email at