Thursday, June 12, 2014

MS North Carolina Team Meeting #3 - 6.11.14

The North Carolina Team had their final meeting and it was split into two separate parts for the students.  First, Luke finished the pre-trip study of Elijah by looking at 1 Kings 19:13-18.  He looked at how God called Elijah to go back the same way he came and to re-engage in the mission God had for him.  Elijah still had some of the same struggles with loneliness and feeling like a failure, but after his encounter with God he was willing to trust God's plan.  Furthermore, God revealed that Elijah was not going to have to be part of God's operation in the world alone.  There were 7,000 other people that had not bowed to false Gods.  Luke used this part of Elijah's story to get everyone to think about what an encounter with God would change in your life and what it means that we are not always able to see the big picture of all that is going on. If you would like to look through the small group questions that were discussed on this passage then click the link below.

Small Group Questions

During the second part of the meeting the team split up into groups of 4-5 people and were given a painting challenge.  Our project in North Carolina is usually some sort of housing project, like painting, and so this painting challenge at the meeting helped them think about the actual task of painting as well as working together as small teams to accomplish a unified purpose.

If you are missing any forms then please get them to Luke as soon as possible so that we can be all set for our trip.  All of the forms you might need can be accessed in the links below.

Final Checklist
ReCreation Forms
Media Release Form
WCC Parental Consent Form
Packing List

Please feel free to email Luke at with any further questions.