Thursday, June 10, 2010

Final MS North Carolina Meeting Recap

Please bring in any forms that you have not turned in. If you need another form then scroll down to the post below from the first training meeting. The packing list and instructions for signing up for the text reminders and updates can also be found in the post below.

Please bring in any remaining money that you still owe on your balance. The total trip cost is $450, but you only owe $300 if you already paid the $150 deposit.

Our theme for the trip is the Beautiful Struggle and this comes from the idea that the service we are going to do on this trip may be a struggle at times, but through the struggle something beautiful happens when God shows up in the midst of it. Over the past three training meetings we have studied the character of Saul and looked at his Beautiful Struggle when he encountered God on the road to Damascus in Acts 9. Below are the questions that your students have discussed in their small groups at each meeting.

Meeting #1 Questions (Acts 9:1-4)

1. In the spirit of the idea that the word “Meanwhile” is very important to our passage, describe how you came to be sitting in this room talking with people about going to Nicaragua. How might God have been working in the background to bring you to this moment? Essentially, why are you here in this room today?

2. What are you near on your life journey right now? What goals are you close to accomplishing? Where are you spiritually?

3. Where is God currently pricking your conscience?

4. What makes you nervous about “The Beautiful Struggle” on this trip? What makes you most excited?

Meeting #2 Questions (Acts 9:1-9)

1. How does the idea that God will be the one initiating with us change your perspective on this trip?

2. How might God disguise himself on this trip? How might God show up in unexpected ways?

3. Why do you think Saul “fell to the Ground” when confronted with Jesus? Why might God’s presence cause you to humble yourself on this trip?

4. What are some practical ways our team can serve each other before during and after our trip?

5. Be honest, what price are you currently willing to pay to encounter Jesus?

Meeting #3 Questions (Acts 9:8-20)

1. What might God need to take from you or you need to give up in order to get you to slow down and process your experience with him in Nicaragua?

2. Ananias helps Saul, “See again” and be “filled with the Holy Spirit.” What aspects of your life do you long to see with fresh eyes? In what parts of your life do you need fresh power from God?

3. Towards the end of the passage we learn that Paul’s problem was not just that he was blind, but that something like scales had actually built up on his eyes. What do you think it means that Paul’s encounter with God did not initially yield deeper insight or understanding, but actually yielded deeper struggle? How can you apply this lesson to your understanding of how God might work in your life as you encounter him in Nicaragua?

4. If you do actually see God on this trip, how might that change you and your understanding of your call in life (what God is asking you to do with your time on earth)?

5. What is one thing you want to be different about your life after this trip to Nicaragua?

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call Luke Kincaid at 757-941-1572 or email him at