Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wednesday and Thursday, Final Activities!!!

Wednesday (March 10, 2010) we headed out to Nueva Vida, a hurricane refugee camp. We split up into five different groups and helped with food distribution. One of the groups was able to help out in one of the local bakeries, while others helped pass out and prepare lunch for the local children.

After leaving Nueva Vida we had a party at Verbo Church in Managua for prostitutes and their families. Women came from over four hours away to spend the afternoon with us and enjoy lunch and tons of games for their children. While most of our team was off playing with all of the children the mothers were able to go shopping through the donations that we brought for much needed supplies and clothing. We really enjoyed the chance to share Christ's love for them and get to know them and their stories.

Today (Thursday March 11, 2010) we spent the morning repainting the school at the orphanage and got to play with the kids during their recess and in between classes. After painting we had lunch and had lots of down time, which most of us spent playing with the kids and visiting families in Vera Cruz to say goodbye. We are getting ready to throw the kids at Casa Bernabe a goodbye party for our last night in Nicaragua and then enjoy one last porch time. God has blessed us with an amazing trip and many new friends that we will never forget. Thank you so much for all of your prayers this week and continue to keep us in your thoughts as we head out tomorrow morning for our early flights. Once we renter the states everyone will be able to call home and our student minister should be updating the blog so you all will know of our safe arrival!

We are all still in good health and excited to come back and share all of our stories from the trip!