Monday, March 8, 2010

Sunday afternoon and Monday morning activities

Praise God for another day in Nicaragua. We worshiped with many families and the Casa kids at Verbo yesterday, Sunday March 7, 2010. After that we returned to Casa and had lunch with the kids. Everyone took some time to rest after our meal, then we loaded up for afternoon activities. A few buses took some of the older Casa kids to play in a soccer tournament, while the others loaded up with the young ones and met up with other service teams at a park outside Managua. After games and activities everyone went out to eat for dinner. At this point we said good night to the Casa kids and we departed for Porch Time at Hotel Ticomo with VT, JMU, and UVa. A translator gave us all a Nicaragua history lesson and we finished the evening with a surprise dance party with a mariache (sp?) band.

Monday, March 8, 2010, we started our first work project after breakfast. We planted a field of citrus trees for the agriculture projects here at Casa. We are currently having some down time before lunch and an afternoon activity with the Casa kids. The plan is to go visit a local volcano and see some more of Nicaragua.

Please keep us in your prayers, that God's hand will continue to be in our time here. That God will bless the work that we did this morning, so that those fruits may serve to sustain Casa. Thank you for following us and keeping our team in your prayers.