Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Trip Update # 6

Tuesday proved to be an incredibly powerful day on our trip. We returned to our sites from the day before to pray with those who minister full-time, year-round at the locations. The groups returned to the church in VeraCruz, the dump, and Nueva Vida, the refugee camp and stood along pastors in prayer for the lives that are reached in these places. We lifted up the children and the leadership, praying for strength, grace and for the fulfillment of God's promises.  The team had an incredible time experiencing partnership with these ministers and the power of God connecting his people across the globe.  It was such a great day - and a tremendous way to start wrapping up our time here.

After lunch we threw a Goodbye Party for the children at Casa Barnabe - complete with pinatas and lots of good times! We then loaded the buses and headed out to the Debrief! We are currently at the Debrief, safe and healthy and processing what has been an amazing trip. 

Please refer to former blog posts for the return travel information for your student. We leave the Debrief Site at 9am tomorrow morning and will begin updating the Hotline as arrival times approach. 

Thank you for your prayers and partnership in this trip! We can't wait to see everyone and share our experiences!