Thursday, July 2, 2009

Returning Home Update #2

Everything is currently on time for both travel groups.  However, please continue to check the hotline for the most up to date information because I may not always have internet access to update the blog.

The seniors and sophomore boys will arrive in DC around 10pm. They will arrive at the Chapel between 1 and 2am tonight.  Please call the hotline, 757-880-6429 for up to date information on their arrival in Williamsburg.

The juniors and sophomore girls will arrive in DC around 12:20am tonight.  We will arrive at the Chapel between 3 and 4am.  Please call the hotline, 757-570-0292, for up to date information on our arrival in Williamsburg.

We are all excited to see you and share will you about everything God accomplished in us and through us on our mission trip.

See you tonight!!!