Thursday, June 20, 2019

Costa Rica Day 2 - 6.19.19

It was awesome to finally have the whole team together for our first full day of service! We started the day off with a traditional Costa Rican breakfast: eggs with ham, rice and beans, and bread. After a short quiet time, we headed off to serve in the community of La Radial. We split off into two groups, one painting in the church and the other constructing stairs and hand rails in the housing community. Even with a new environment, the students worked extremely hard sanding, mixing concrete, digging holes, painting, etc. We stopped for lunch at the church and set up for the afternoon activities with the children in the community. Our lunch consisted of a pork sandwich, pineapple, coleslaw, and potato chips. We did a short lesson on Jonah and the Whale along with a student skit. We did a craft activity, creating a whale out of supplies. The guys played soccer with the Costa Rican boys while the girls painted nails, made bracelets, and did their hair. The students mingled and connected with the kids. They did well engaging even with the language difference. After a long day we headed back to our housing site and enjoyed Costa Rican fried chicken. During our porch time, Vinny gave a brief lesson on God's disciplinarian and reckless love for us. It was encouraging for all the students as they make the most of our time here and look for opportunities to show this community God's love. We are eager to continue our work projects tomorrow in La Radial and host an olympics game for the kids.