Thursday, May 11, 2017

Nashville Meeting #1 - 5/10/17

The first half of our meeting was for parents and students.  We went over the key details for our trip and gave some vision for how our sm mission trips fit into the discipleship process here at the Chapel.  Below are the slides we went over if you'd like to review them:

Parent Meeting Slides

In addition, we handed out folders that had a checklist to make sure you know upcoming deadlines and dates, Chapel parental consent form, support letter writing information, a packing list, and some literature on CSM (the organization we partner with).  If you missed the meeting or lost any of the forms then just click on the links below.  The literature on CSM will be available next meeting to handout because we don't have an electronic version of it.


Packing List

Support Letter Information

Parental Consent Form

The second half of the meeting was just for your kids as we began our study of the character Paul in Acts 9.  We study a character each year and look at the character's encounter with God as a model for our own encounters with God while on our trip to Nashville.  We have found that this has been a great way to prepare our hearts and minds for what will take place on this trip.  If you missed the meeting then you can read Acts 9:1-4 and review the questions below that we talked about in our small groups.

Small Group Questions