Tuesday, July 5, 2016

North Carolina Day #2 - 7.5.16

Day 2 here in North Carolina started off with an early morning, delicious breakfast, and a fun-filled worship time at our ReCreation housing site. After worship, the head of ReCreation gave a talk on their theme for the summer, "into the fire" where he encouraged us to allow a spark to catch within us.  He also spoke about how the fire isn't always easy, but it is within the fire not just near it that Jesus meets us.  With those words in mind, we headed out to our work site for day 2 of digging and roofing.  We put in a great morning of work at John's house and ate lunch with the family.  As we were beginning our afternoon back in the trenches, we were forced to stop working for the day as a thunderstorm rolled through the area.  However, we did not let this get us down as we used this new found free time to our advantage with some great group bonding time (which involved some delicious cookies!) We had a delicious dinner provided for us by the ReCreation staff and then got ready for porch time.  After "remember that time" and "I saw Jesus", we joined our voices together to worship through song and then heard the second talk of the trip, given by Jordan Bunn.  Jordan spoke on the fact that we are here not only to have a temporary physical impact, but that we have been given an opportunity to make an eternal spiritual impact.  She spoke from 2 Corinthians 5:20, where Paul writes about being ambassadors for Christ and what that looks like not only while we are down here in North Carolina, but as we take what God is teaching us on this trip and bring it home.  We continued our discussion in small groups and then got ready for bed.  We are excited about how God has already shown up in the time we've been down here and are looking forward to where He will turn up next!