Monday, June 27, 2016

Nicaragua, Day 6 - June 26, 2016

Sunday has arrived! A beautiful day to worship, we attended church in both Leon and Posoltega. Arriving in Leon at roughly 9:30am (11:30am your time), it was awesome to imagine Izzy, one of our Student Ministry Summer Interns, getting ready to preach in Williamsburg, and how we were also getting ready to praise Jesus miles and miles away. God is one, and we all got to worship Him, as one, together this morning. The services at each site were very musical and very energetic. With birds chirping in the ceiling, fans blowing beneath them, the keyboard and drums playing music, and the congregation clapping along, it was a different experience than the ones we're used to at the Chapel, but it was awesome to be a participant in how another culture worships Christ. Luke shared Psalm 117, and the idea that all nations will praise the Lord. Despite singing songs like "All Creatures of Our God and King" at home, it's a humbling opportunity to be able to stand alongside people of a different tongue and different nation still praising the Lord. 

After church, we had our soccer tournament at Posoltega! It truly was a beautiful day; not often you're playing soccer with a volcano in the background. Some cloud cover and a steady breeze made the afternoon delightful (despite our American team losing both of it's games), and it was clear the teams of Leon and Posoltega were excited to play. One of the Nicaraguan teams was actually sporting some Jamestown Eagle jerseys, which was an encouraging picture of partnership, as they were clearly jerseys donated in years past.

Back at the hotel, we had an extended time of worship this evening. Songs like "Heart Runs" reminded us that everything we want is found in Jesus, that what we want really is Jesus, Himself. "How He Loves" and "How Deep The Father's Love For Us" left an imprint on God's heart for His creation, and "In Christ Alone" and "No Longer Slaves" enforce that we God's children, co-heirs with Christ, and that we stand and live in His power, the power that overcame the grave.