Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Final Norfolk Team Meeting Info - 7.14.15

Thanks everyone for coming out to our final Norfolk Meeting! In our meeting we held a competition where the kids split into groups and were asked to create a unique game out of three random objects of their choosing. It is amazing what Middle School Students can do when they are given the opportunity to use their creativity! This task was to get them to think creatively about entertaining people as we have opportunities on the trip for this. After the competition, Nick gave the third and final Moses teaching that focuses on excuses that Moses makes when God calls him to action.  In small groups the students talked about some of the excuses that we can sometimes make when God calls us to His plan for our lives.
Here are the questions the kids looked at in their small groups
SG questions #3

Just in case you still need any of the forms/handouts: 
Packing List
Parental Consent Form
Norfolk General Schedule

If you have any other questions leading up to the trip please contact Nick at 
We are excited for the opportunity to serve with this team and can't wait for next week!