Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Norfolk Missions Team - Info From Missions Overnight

Thank you for everyone that came to the Overnight! The Norfolk team finally began the journey to our trip, as this was the first time we have met as a team.  One of the most important things that we go over at our team meetings is the character study that we do.

Each summer, all of the Missions Teams study a character from the Bible and this year we are looking at Moses.  We looked at how God gave Moses a "holy discontent" to free the Israelites from the oppression of the Egyptians.  We talked about how, as Christians, we should see things in the world through God's eyes and see things that make God discontent.  When we see these things then we should be driven to help change them.  The portion of Moses's story that we looked at came from Exodus 3:7-10 and Exodus 2:11-12.  Below are the small group questions that the team talked through after Nick gave his talk.

Small Group Questions

Saturday morning everyone participated in an "Amazing Race" style game that was run by our Summer Interns.  The purpose of this game is to create unity among the small group teams and grow the bond among the team members that maybe didn't know each other prior to the overnight.

Our next meeting is Tuesday June 9th from 6:30-8:30 in Woodward Hall.  The first half of the meeting will be a parents' meeting and the second half of the meeting will be for the students. At that time we will have our second pre-trip teaching on Moses.  If you have not yet filled out the Parental Consent form, you can bring it to the the meeting on the 9th.

Parental Consent Form

If you have any questions, please contact Nick Mercer at nmercer@wcchapel.org