Monday, March 9, 2015

College Nicaragua Day 3

Hola! Day 3 in Nicaragua took place at Verbo Leon church, where we spent the entire day. To begin our activities, we spoke with a few middle school and high school kids about how to balance middle and high school life with their social lives. Our panel answered their questions and gave them various applications on how to be a better student while still having time for fun. Kristina did an awesome job speaking Spanish with the kids on our behalf so they could fully understand the message.
                Then we helped the caretakers serve lunch (rice, beans, bread, and juice) to the orphans as they trickled in throughout the lunch hour. For some of these kids, this is their best (and sometimes only) meal of the day. During lunch, a 10 year old boy named Marvin Jose befriended Jerome and Mackenzie and showed them his notebook for his English class, and they showed Marvin how to pronounce the English words.
                After lunch, some of the children stayed around to play with the Americans. Heather was racing some girls, even with one little girl on her back! Evan was constantly spinning kids as if they were flying like he always does.
Then, we put on a 90 minute seminar for the 7-12 year olds about nutrition- some of the kids didn’t even know what nutrition was. The children had fun drawing on their paper plates the proper food to eat in order to grow up big and strong. A skit followed, which included Gena and Tommy. Dewey acted as “Super Sano” (healthy hero), whom the kids loved. Tommy then taught the kids a Spanish song to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star about washing their hands before eating, which they could sing while they washed their hands!
Before heading back to our hotel, we stopped by a neighboring hotel to jump in their pool! This was very exciting because the government has restricted water usage to lots of the city due to the dust storms. We had fun feeling clean, cooling down, and goofing off.

After porch time tonight, we will be planning out the rest of 2015 on how to raise our team goal to benefit ONET so they can continue changing lives of the orphans. Please be praying for God to give us practical ideas and that He can bless the Nicaraguans through us as we continue the second half of our trip! Hasta luego! (See you later!)