Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Day Four

The Lord sure is good! We woke up this morning to a wonderful breakfast prepared by our lovely hotel staff. We split the team in half today. Half of the team went to Polsotega and the other half went to Leon. While at these separate feeding centers we helped feed the children during lunch. Our team is so passionate about these kids that they jump right in to help whenever needed. Following lunch we taught about 50 children about nutrition and cleanliness. Our teams created a great and informative lesson filled with games and skits, performed by members of our team. Our wonderful leader treated us with ice cream on the way back to the hotel. We are so grateful to have such a loving and caring leader. Having members on the team that are physically active, they decided that it would be a great idea to play basketball in the city square. Wanting to keep things interesting and patriotic, the teams were country divided. Our boys sure did play a great game. Of course they won. It was awesome seeing the square fill up with hundreds of people, coming to watch such an intense game. We re-nourished our bodies with another delicious meal. The chefs here at the hotel sure know how to cook (no offense mom). Porch time was filled with laughter and tears as our leader Evan spoke to us about The Kingdom of God. What a powerful and life changing talk. Thanks so much Evan! This team becomes closer and closer everyday and many have talked about staying here. (We might love Nicaragua more than home). We are currently having sweet fellowship, growing our bonds and friendships even more. This is Keegan Hartt filling you in live from Nicaragua.