Thursday, March 8, 2012

WCC College Nicaragua Mission - Day 5

French toast again for breakfast, and thank goodness, because we needed the sugar. Some days here may make for “better” stories than others, but it may be that the “boring” days are the days that we leave the most lasting physical impact of our presence. The ladies went back to their painting of the main building and the fellas split into two groups, with one of the groups painting the boy’s living area and the other pouring cement at the school. The work broke only for lunch, and in shifts, for teaching English.
This evening was the second time that all of the Virginia schools gathered with us for games and a speaker. The group game was to come up with songs which incorporate the “key word” into their lyrics. So when “fire” was announced as the keyword in one round, we responded by singing the line from Adele’s song “Set Fire to The Rain” that has “fire” in it. There have probably been more challenging games, but groups of friends singing together is about as fun as it gets.
After the games were over, Eddie, the national coordinator for Orphan Network in Nicaragua, spoke to use about ordinary versus extraordinary, and that the way to be “written in the history books of our country, state, or town is by faith and decision making—as is illustrated in Hebrew. He told us that Orphan Network feeds over 11,000 children five days a week, and that such a miracle is an example of what God can do. He told us that God has invited each of us to be a part of similar such miracles, that they may look different, and that we should remember when deciding between ordinary and extraordinary, the stories of Abraham and Moses.
Thank you for your prayers, and if you have supported Orphan Network, special thanks to you tonight. We have heard how your support changes lives, that these meals are sometimes the greatest meals that these children have ever had, and that it is only possible by the grace of God and his work through you who support.