Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Monday Monday Monday!

We had a great Monday traveling around Nicaragua!  We had an early morning to jump on the bus to head up to Posoltega, and a feeding center that a church runs there.  They feed the children of the community lunch Monday through Friday.  We were the first Orphan network group that went to this particular feeding center, and the kids were super excited to have visitors.  Before lunch they all prayed for the food, the kids were thanking God for all of their blessings.  We were struck by how genuine the children’s prayer was.  There was a real thankfulness in their words. 

After we ate lunch with the kids we went out and played with them for hours.  The team was hot and covered in dust, but the joy of the children was absolutely contagious.  There was not a single fight amongst themselves, they loved on each other and on us ‘gringos,’ all afternoon.  

During ‘porch time’ tonight Evan mentioned Luke 6:20-21, “…Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who are hungry now, for you shall be satisfied…”  This is something that the people of Nicaragua seem to truly have grasped.  It has been a great blessing seeing what this verse looks like lived out on earth.  We can learn so much from them about trusting that God will do what he promises in these verses.  This is a verse that we breeze over when we are engaged in America, but can truly see what Jesus was talking about when he said this words a couple thousand years ago.