Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Work Projects, Parties, and Compassion

The college spring break mission team has already done so much in such a short amount of time! On Tuesday, team members continued their work project at the orphanage in the morning. Later in the day, the group threw a party at Verbo Church for prostitute women and their children, feeding and loving dozens of people. In the evening, the team returned to the orphanage to play and spend time with the kids there.

Today (Wednesday) has been called the Day of Compassion. In order to sympathize with the lives of many Nicaraguan people, the team has been eating a simple diet of rice and beans for all their daily meals. The group also split up into smaller units to take part in an activity at the marketplace. For the activity, each "family" unit was given only a small amount of money and several different scenarios for what food and goods they could purchase to care for their "family." Everyone on the team also participated in a food distribution, delivering the food purchased at the market to local families in need. Tonight, our spring break crew will be taking care of all the kids at the orphanage and running a youth program there, which will allow the dedicated orphanage workers to enjoy an evening off to rest easy, knowing that the children are well cared for.

The team thanks you for your prayers and asks that you continue to pray for supernatural energy and love as they embark on the last few days of the trip.