Tuesday, July 7, 2015

NC Team Day 2 - 7.7.15

We began our day with some worship music and a devotional thought by the Director of ReCreation Experiences.  The early morning music has become a big hit with the group as they have fun singing and dancing along to the music.  Also, the music has been a great tool to wake everyone up in the morning before we head to our work site.

Even though we had a full day of digging and painting yesterday, it was great to see the entire group rally together and start the day as excited as yesterday.  One of the great benefits to physical projects is that the signs of change are immediately obvious, which has been very motivating for us.  We were able to completely finish one of the trenches today and get half-way through another one.  In addition to the trenches, we have finished priming the entire outside of the house and have begun our first coat of the deep blue color that we are painting the exterior of the house.  In just two days, the transformation of Miriam's house has already been amazing.  

After finishing up the day at the work site, we headed back to our housing site where we showered and ate a delicious dinner.  Then everyone had some great moments of fellowship during free time.  Some people played soccer, others played frisbee, and some just sat and talked, but it was great to see the team bonding together.  We have a lot of different schools represented on the trip which makes it really special to watch everyone grow together around their common bond in Christ.

At porch time, Gena Hernandez spoke on the concept of incarnational ministry.  She used John 1:14 & John 16:7 to talk about the idea that we are not only simply serving Miriam and each other on this trip, but we have the opportunity to be Jesus to those around us.  It was a great challenge to think about the importance of every interaction we have with people because those interactions are places for us to represent Jesus to them.  

We ended the night with small groups where everyone was given the opportunity to think through what opportunities we have to be Jesus to other people on this trip.  

Tomorrow is our day-off from our normal work project, so we look forward to sharing about our day-off with you all tomorrow.  Thanks for all of your prayers for us.