Saturday, June 20, 2015

Nicaragua Team Update - Friday June 19th

After breakfast, the two serving groups split up again and headed out to their Local Church Initiative partners for another great day of serving.  Once again, both groups’ serving experiences were similarly laid out as they each began their time at Verbo Leon and Posoltega speaking with young adults from the surrounding communities. Today the topic was faith, and members of each group shared some of our own testimonies with the Nicaraguan students. After we had finished, some of the youth from the community shared their stories with us. It was awesome to see the connections that became evident as Americans and Nicaraguans shared how God has been working in their lives.  After the morning session, both groups served lunch to the kids that come to the feeding centers.  The Leon Feeding Center had an incredibly large turn-out of kids, serving lunch to 202 children before running out of food. Having to close the doors to a few of the hungry kids who came too late reminded us of the desperate need in these communities and the hope that the feeding centers offer these families.

After lunch, each group ran another day of VBS at their respective sites, continuing to teach on obedience through the story of Jonah and the whale. The kids who had participated in our VBS program were given certificates and t-shirts to honor their participation over the past few days. We hope that what we have been teaching them about God will stay with them long after we’ve returned home. After some free time, which included rousing games of tag, lots of piggy-back rides for the kids, and even children falling asleep in team members’ arms, we left the serving sites and headed back to our housing location for dinner and porch time. 

Porch time tonight was filled with laughter, as we shared funny memories from throughout the day. We were also able to recount moments where we saw Jesus actively working through our team and all the people with whom we have come into contact.  Our ORPHANetwork hosts shared a little with us about what exactly our impact looks like from the Nicaraguan perspective and how their lives have been affected by the initiatives we have been serving during out time here. Tommy followed them with a message on our faithfulness and the faithfulness of God in the work that we are doing, not only here in Nicaragua, but also in our day-to-day lives back in America. Tomorrow we will have the opportunity to take the women who work everyday at the feeding centers for a well-deserved day off.  We look forward to not only getting to provide some much needed rest and relaxation for the feeding center workers, but also to get a chance to interact with them and learn what it’s like to serve full time in this excellent ministry.

Finally, we hope you’ll be able to come to the Parents’ Gathering this Sunday between services. More details to come via the text listserve. If you haven’t already signed up for that, simply text NICAPARENT to 41411.