Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Student Ministries Missions Experience - Sunday, August 4th

Hi, mission team members and families!

We hope you are all planning to join the SM staff and interns for the Student Ministries Missions Experience on Sunday, August 4th in the Main Worship Room.

Students, please arrive at 6pm and wear your mission trip t-shirt and pants.

The actual event begins at 6:30pm and will go until 8pm. There will be a dessert reception in the Foyer following the program.

Can't wait to see you all on Sunday night. If you have any questions, contact the SM Office at 941-1571 or call Alexis on her cell at 919-260-0719.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Final Norfolk Team Update - Saturday 7.27.13

The Norfolk Team has arrived home safely!

Norfolk Team Update - Friday 7.26.13

The Norfolk team had their first full day of serving and encountering the needs of the world around us.  The team began by visiting and touring a local homeless shelter in Norfolk called Union Mission Ministries.  Our tour guide told us the history of the homeless shelter and all of the services offered at the facility.  They have a men's shelter, a women's shelter, and a family shelter that provides three meals a day every day of the year to around 325 people. In addition to providing housing, Union Mission Ministries offers financial counseling, family counseling, job opportunities, and clothing.  However, our tour guide stressed that the most important thing they offer at the shelter is the message of Jesus Christ.  It is a faith based organization that runs solely on donations from churches and personal donors and the staff is unapologetic about basing their mission and vision off of the values of Jesus.  The team was blown away by the faith represented in the staff and it challenged them to think about where they are serving God in their own lives.  After the tour, the team headed to a local park for lunch and relaxation before heading to their afternoon ministry site.

After lunch, everyone loaded into the buses and headed down the road to a local nursing home called Consulate health care.  Upon arrival, the activities director escorted everyone upstairs to the BINGO room where residents were already setup ready to play.  The team split up among the residents to help them play and get to know them.  The residents loved playing bingo and having people to cheer them on was a extra treat.  It was beautiful to watch the residents smile as young kids came up to them ready to engage and get to know them. God worked through the team in a powerful way as they played bingo for 2 hours without complaining or leaving the residents.  As the team left the Consulate staff expressed their gratitude and praise for how hard and long everyone was willing to sit with the residents.  God used a group of pre-teens to touch not only the elderly but the staff of Consulate as well.

Following their time at the nursing home, the Norfolk team headed to the beach for a little fun together as a group.  It was a gorgeous day with a light breeze for the team to enjoy God's creation at the beach.  They ate dinner on the boardwalk and then headed back to the housing site for clean up and Porch Time.  Since the trip was more than halfway over Luke began to transition the group into thinking about how they could apply the lessons they have been learning to their lives back in Williamsburg.  He use the Parable of the Four Soils in Luke 8 to talk about how the environment we surround ourselves with directly effects our faith and relationship with God.  It was helpful to learn about things that contaminate our lives and don't let the words of God take root and grown in our hearts.  After Porch time the team split into small groups once again to discuss the day and process all that God is doing.

We have one more day here in Norfolk and then we will be heading back home tomorrow afternoon/early evening.  We will text updates of our location and eta while traveling back.  If you have not signed up to receive text updates then feel free to text the word "NORFOLKPARENT" to the number 41411 and you will receive our text updates.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Norfolk Team Update - Thursday 7.25.13

The Norfolk team left the Chapel with excitement and anticipation for all that God had in store for them down in Norfolk, VA.  One of the great things about the Norfolk trip is that it gives kids from Williamsburg an opportunity to serve an area that is nearby.  Sometimes we forget that their are needs in the communities of people right around us and the Norfolk team will have the opportunity to serve people that are within an hour of Williamsburg.  The bus ride down to our housing site at Spring Branch Community Church was a great opportunity for bonding and relationship building.  It was great to see God already begin to form relationships between leaders and kids that God will continue to use throughout the rest of this trip.

Spring Branch has become a sister church for the Chapel and we have partnered with them for many of our past Student Ministry retreats and trips.  They have an entire wing devoted solely to teenagers that they have let the Norfolk team use as their home base.  Upon arrival at Spring Branch the Norfolk team brought all of their bags into their rooms and then gathered in a really fun youth room at Spring Branch.  The team was excited to find a pool table, foosball table, drinks, and dinner ready for them.  After dinner the team gathered together for their first Porch Time gathering.  Porch Time is our evening time where we come together as a team to debrief the day and process all of the things God had been doing throughout the day.  We spend the time remembering things from the day, singing worship songs, and listening to a bible lesson by Luke.  It was beautiful to hear and watch young voices join together singing praises to God.  Amidst all of the insecurities and fears that come during the middle school years it was such a powerful moment to watch the Norfolk team be willing to put their own issues aside and focus on God.  Luke spoke from Matthew 25:31-45 and Colossians 1:27 to try and answer the question: What does it look like to encounter Jesus on this trip? Luke lifted up two ways in which God often chooses to show up.  From Matthew 25, he pulled out the truth that the people we serve in Norfolk are not just people but Jesus in the flesh who we are serving.  Then he used the Colossians passage to talk about the reality that God chooses to use humans as God's instruments which means the Norfolk team has an opportunity to not only see Jesus but also be Jesus to others.

After Porch Time the Norfolk team split into small groups where they began to think more about the idea of encountering Jesus on this trip.  The groups discussed ways in which they could work on being Jesus to those that we are serving and to other team members on the trip.  God has already begun to prepare the team for tomorrow's first day of serving and it was amazing to see the small groups begin to process what it means to encounter Jesus.  Following small group time, the Norfolk team headed to bed in order to get a good night's sleep to be ready for their first day of serving tomorrow.  Thanks for all your prayers and support!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Norfolk Missions Trip Update

Just a reminder that the Norfolk team leaves tomorrow for their missions trip. Check-in will being at 4 P.M. and we plan to leave the Chapel by 5 P.M.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Final Norfolk Team Meeting Recap

The Norfolk team had a great final pre-trip training meeting together.  They finished looking at Peter's encounter with God in Acts 10 as a model for what God may be challenging them to do and see on their trip down to Norfolk.  After Luke finished the teaching, the team split into small groups where they spent some time discussing the principles found in Acts 10.  It was wonderful to see the team begin to reflect on their lives and prepare for their encounter with God in Norfolk.  If you missed the meeting and want to take a look at the small group questions the link is below.

Small Group Questions

Also, below is the final checklist and the packing list for the Norfolk trip.   Please be sure to remember to buy your donated item for the homeless shelter that we are visiting.

Final Checklist

Packing List

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Final Norfolk Team Meeting Tonight

Just a reminder that the final Norfolk Team Meeting is tonight from 6:30-8:30pm in Woodward Hall at the Chapel.  Please bring your final payment and parental consent forms.

The dates for the trip are July 25-27th.  Below is the parental consent form if you don't have one.

Parental Consent Form

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Domestic Trips Update - 7.13.13

Both the HS Philadelphia trip and the MS North Carolina trip have arrived home safely!  Thanks for all of your prayers throughout the week.  God did some amazing things and we want to invite all of you to join us on August 4th from 630-8pm in Chapel's Main Worship Room for our SM Missions Night.  We will be sharing testimonies and slideshows from all of our summer sm mission trips.

North Carolina Team Update - 7.13.13

Today was the North Carolina (NC) team's last day at the work sites.  In the morning the entire team went to the church to make sure that we completed all of the priming.  It was exciting for the team to see the finish line ahead of them and know that they would complete the project.  It was truly a God given feeling of satisfaction at the end of the work day to step back and see the fruit of all the labor put forth over the past week.  There were over 1200 man hours put into priming the house this week and God blessed the team as they served.  The team left the work site thankful for the opportunity to serve in such a tangible way and make a significant impact in the life of this church community in Asheville.  Pastor Burgess came by at the end of the day to thank the team and express how inspired he was by the team.

Half-way through the day a portion of the NC team went back over to the MANNA food bank. Once again the group at MANNA sorted eggs and packaged pasta.  They were able to complete over 2 tons of pasta in just two hours.  The entire team has loved getting to work at the food bank and get a behind-the-scenes glimpse how one organization strives to feed the hungry and care for the poor.  It challenged the team to try and put themselves in the shoes of the hungry and think about what their life would be like.  Throughout the week 1000's of eggs have been sorted and over 4 tons of pasta.

After our work sites, the team headed back to our housing site for an evening of worship.  Recreation Experiences finishes the week with their own worship service followed by a highlight video of pictures from the week.  The NC team joined with all the voices and heard testimonies shared by other groups of what they accomplished.  It was powerful to hear not only what our group completed, but what the entire set of teams had completed this week.  Following the Recreation worship time, the NC team gathered for their final porch time around a fire pit behind the housing site.  Luke finished up the story of Peter in Acts 10-11 that the team had begun in their pre-trip training meetings before the trip.  Luke brought up the reality that returning home can be difficult because we will have to face critics that may not believe or trust a story that we tell them.  Luke told the team that the three ways to silence the critics are: explain your story, support each other, and live out the lessons learned.  After Luke's talk the team split up for their final small group time.  Watching the small groups ask for extra time because the conversations and discussions were so meaningful and necessary was one of the greatest moment of God's Spirit at work in the hearts of the team.  God has been working in the hearts of each student and it has been beautiful to see God's Spirit break through for so many people.

Tomorrow the team leaves their housing site to head back to Williamsburg.  A text update will be sent as soon as the team leaves.  Subsequent texts will be sent throughout the day of travel to keep everyone informed of the team's progress.  If you still want to sign up for the text updates then just text the word NCPARENT to the number 41411.  You should receive a text telling you that you have subscribed once you do it.  Thanks for everyone's prayer and support throughout the trip.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Philly Team Update, Day 5 - 7.12.13

Today was our last serving day in Philly, and we had an awesome end to our time in the City of Brotherly Love.

For today, all the groups got to stay together for one epic serving experience. We began the morning at  an organization called Philabundance, which provides food access to about 6500 people a day and is the largest hunger relief organization in the Delaware Valley. Your children worked hard all morning, packing hundreds and hundreds of boxes of food (bread and non-perishables) to distribute to different ministries and food pantries throughout the area. Altogether the team packaged a total of almost 5000 pounds of food!
After leaving Philabundance, the team headed over to "center city" to participate in the City Search, an activity that resembles a scavenger hunt to help groups learn more about Philadelphia. Guided by their leaders, each small group walked around answering the questions provided by the CSM hosts, getting to see such landmarks as the Liberty Bell and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Thankfully the rain held off until the end of the activity when all the groups gathered for a final devotional thought.
At that time, Lex gave a brief talk on Luke 13:18-19 (where Jesus relates the Kingdom of God to a mustard seed), encouraging the team to find environments back home that will help the seeds that God has planted this week to grow. After a final time of small groups, the team jumped back into the vans and went to grab dinner in hopes that the rain would stop before the game. Although the weather did not improve and the game was cancelled, the team's spirits could not be dampened! Everyone headed back to the housing site where we enjoyed games and fellowship with each other on our final evening together. It has been amazing to see how quickly God has bonded our team and to realize all the awesome things he has done in and through each member of the group.

Tomorrow (Saturday, 7/13) we will head back to Williamsburg. We plan to leave the housing site between 9 and 10am. We will stop for lunch around 1pm and plan to arrive at the Chapel between 5 and 6pm. To receive text updates on our return trip, text the word PHILLYPARENT to the number 41411. Please pray for safe travels. We can't wait to get home to share more about our encounters with God in Philadelphia. See you all soon.

Philly Team Update, Day 4 - 7.11.13

Today was possibly the best day yet as God blessed us with great weather and great opportunities to serve Him through serving others.

Serving Group 1 - 
Serving Group 1 spent their morning at a ministry called Sunday Breakfast, an organization that serves and houses homeless men in the city. The group spent their time cleaning the entire second floor of the facility by sweeping, mopping, dusting, and disinfecting the floors, tables, chairs, and anything else they could get their hands on. The staff there said that, not only did the facility desperately need to be cleaned, but that their efforts help give the men a sense of pride in their home and contribute to their sense of self-worth. After cleaning, the group served lunch to about 150 people, making it a really full morning of loving in tangible ways.
In the afternoon, the group returned to the Neighborhood Center Summer Camp, where they got the opportunity to leave one final impression on the staff and kids there. Their first task was to clean several areas of the building and reorganize the gym. After some manual labor, the kids arrived and the team jumped right into playing and continuing to build relationships with them. When it was finally time to say goodbye to their new friends, the team left with promises to pray for the kids and a true desire to do so. 
For dinner, Serving Group 1 joined with Serving Group 4 to enjoy some delicious Philly cheesesteaks in a local park.

Serving Group 2 - 
Serving Group 2 got to start the day with a tour of China Town. The group was very grateful that the rain had stopped so that they could fully experience all the sites, sounds, and smells of this unique part of the city. After their walking tour, the team headed to St. John's Hospice, a ministry site that Group 1 had visited the day before.  The team got to meet Jerry, the Community Outreach Coordinator, who gave the group a picture of St. John's mission for the community. St. John's houses over 50 men to help them as they attempt to transition back into the workforce. It also serves as a soup kitchen and a counseling center. The team appreciated the organization's holistic approach to helping these men. The mission statement for St. John's is that it "seeks to be a community grounded in faith and service where homeless persons find dignity, respect, nourishment, and opportunities for new beginning." After being encouraged by Jerry to see Christ inside each of the men they serve, the group got to work serving a hot lunch to over 100 individuals who were all extremely appreciative.
In the afternoon, Serving Group 2 went back to the Honickman Learning Center Summer Camp to play with the kids one final time. Ms. Chris, the class's teacher, had bought pizza for the entire group to show her appreciation for all their efforts during the week. Your children then helped the kids complete a worksheet about summertime activities, where all the kids wrote down things that they heard, saw, smelled, tasted, and felt during the summer. After completing their worksheets, each kid presented their responses to the class with the help of the "mentors." After the kids presented, they wanted each member of the team to share, too, demonstrating how much the kids really value what their "mentors" have had to say all week. After completing their work, everyone went outside to finish their time together by playing games and taking pictures. The group has really been impacted by their relationships with the children at the Learning Center, realizing just how quickly bonds can form when we get out of our own way and let Christ work in us and through us.
After leaving the Learning Center, Serving Group 2 got to enjoy some Jamaican cuisine near the heart of the city for dinner.

Serving Group 3 - 
In keeping with tradition, Serving Group 3 began their day at the Honickman Learning Center, helping the kids write paragraphs about what they wanted to do over the summer. The team assisted the kids in their spelling by teaching them how to "sound out" different words, as well as taught them some helpful tips on grammar. After completing their paragraphs, the team helped the children write their paragraphs on cards and hang them on the wall for display. After working on english skills, it was time to practice their math skills. The group guided the children as they played educational math games on the computers. It's been so cool to see the benefits these children are receiving through the Honickman Learning Center and to envision the bright futures these kids can have if they just take advantage of the incredible resources God has blessed them with through the Learning Center. 
In the afternoon, Serving Group 3 went over to Camden, NJ to serve at the Fellowship House, one of only two soup kitchens in that area left to serve the community. Their first task was to weed and mulch the garden and surrounding grounds of the facility. The team was really excited to see the big transformation, and enjoyed looking at the "before" and "after" pictures that told the true story of all that had been accomplished. The staff was also so proud to see the condition of the place after the amazing transformation. The group worked so quickly that they were able to complete a second task and got to help the staff pack grocery care packages for people in need in their community. Knowing that all their hard work would have a true impact on the Camden area gave the team a sense of real joy and accomplishment.
For dinner, Group 3 enjoyed some yummy food at a local Thai restaurant.

Serving Group 4 - 
On their last day with the kids from the Harold Davis Summer Camp, Serving Group 4 got the privilege of taking the children to the pool for the morning. The team got to swim with the children and enjoyed some awesome bonding time out in the sun. Although it was tough to say goodbye at the end of the morning, the team was heartened by the fact that these kids not only experienced fun activities with the group, but that they also got a glimpse of Jesus through the loving words and deeds of our team. One snapshot of the impact the group has had on the kids would be the picture of how, after one team member carried two little girls across the freshly cut grass so that they wouldn't mess up their shoes, the girls had tears of gratitude and admiration in their eyes. Not only do we get the sense that the kids have seen Jesus in us and through us this week, but we know that we have most definitely seen the face of Christ clearly through the children and staff workers we've interacted with.
In the afternoon, Serving Group 4 visited Inglis House, the home for wheelchair bound individuals that Serving Group 1 got to visit on Monday. The team spent some quality time with the residents, playing games and hearing about their lives. The group's visit to Inglis House helped them break down some of the preconceived notions some people held about individuals with physical handicaps. Everyone was totally blown away by how much joy these individuals had even in the midst of their obvious challenges.
For dinner, Group 4 joined with Group 1 and loved every minute of their cheesesteak feast!

On top of all the incredible serving opportunities, each group got to enjoy a little fun on the side by stopping at local 7/11 stores for some free slurpees (7/11 gives away free surpees between 11am and 7pm on July 11th every year)!

Tonight's Porch Time was very meaningful as we finished the story we studied in our pre-trip training meetings. Hawley spoke from the book of Acts and reminded us of Peter's encounter with God and the amazing effect it had on his life and on the lives of those around him. He challenged everyone to "get out of the way" and to allow God to change them as a result of their encounter with Him in Philadelphia. After Hawley's talk, the team broke up into small groups for some great discussion of what it looks like to apply the truths we've learned on this trip when we get back home to Williamsburg.

It is so hard to believe that tomorrow is our last day of the trip! We are excited to have one more opportunity to serve the people of Philly before returning to serve and love our "neighbors" back home. The kids and leaders are also looking forward to our annual tradition of going to a baseball game at night. Please pray that we would "leave it all on the field," to use a sports analogy, as we serve Jesus this Friday!

North Carolina Team Update 7.11.13

The North Carolina (NC) team had an unbelievable day as the work week begins to draw to a close.  The team split into two groups: Group 1 went to the MANNA food bank and Group 2 went back to the church site to continue priming the exterior.  Group 1 continued the work began on Tuesday by sorting eggs and packing pasta.  The girls separated the broken eggs from the good eggs and re-packaged the good eggs.  The girls, today alone, sorted through over 5,000 eggs.  The guys spent the day taking huge boxes of pasta and packaging them in plastic bags that are then distributed to families in need of food.  The guys, today alone, packaged over 2 tons of pasta.  The numbers alone are a testament to the power of God at work here in North Carolina.  One particularly neat story from Group 1 came at the end of the day when the MANNA director told them they only had ten minutes left to work.  The guys still had seven boxes to fill with pasta, which the director told them they did not need to worry about finishing.  However, the guys huddled together, focused, and finished all seven boxes before leaving.  Groups 1's energy and effort will be remembered by many at the MANNA food bank.

Group 2 drove back to the church where they continued to prime the exterior of the church.  At this point, everyone on the team has a strong handle on painting and so everyone jumped right in eager to finish as much as they could.  It was inspiring to see the church continue to change from its original color to white gradually, but steadily, throughout the day.  At the end of the work day the NC team had probably finished about 90% of the church building.  The accomplishments of the day left Group 2 excited to see the church fully finished on Friday.  Deacons, members, and the pastor continually visited the church throughout the day wanting to take a look at the transformation occurring on their building.  Each visitor expressed gratitude and amazement at the work completed by the NC team.  One of the amazing things about painting a church is that the finished product will not just encourage a single family, but an entire community of people.  After finishing the work for the day, Group 2 drove 3 blocks down the street to a nearby residential area because they had realized that the houses painted last year on the NC trip were only 5 minutes down the street from the church.  It was a powerful moment to see how the Chapel community has touched the lives of so many people in a single area of Asheville, NC.  The Chapel has not only painted buildings, but has also shared the love of Jesus through their words and actions in this community.

One of the great things about work projects is that the team not only completes the work but also bonds together as a team while doing it.  The shared experiences of the trip have created lifelong memories that the team will take back with them.  No other team in the entire world will have the same experience as them, which is a special God story that the 2013 NC team will get to tell others about.

Following showers and dinner back at the housing site, the NC team took some free time to fellowship with each other.  Watching kids play sports and spend time with each other that don't normally hangout much was a beautiful moment of the power of God breaking down barriers between people.  After free time, the entire team gathered for another Porch Time.  It began with an extended "Where We Saw Jesus" time because kids continually shared moments where they saw Jesus and it went on so long that Luke had to cut it off in order to save enough time for small groups later.  It was a special time watching God lifted up in so many ways.  Following the share time, the team sang a few worship songs and then Luke gave a talk answering the question, "Why does our faith make so much sense down here in NC?"  Luke used the parable of the sower in Luke 8 to talk about things that contaminate our lives and what type of environment creates good soil for the word of God to land on and grow.  Luke challenged the team to begin to think about how they are going to take the lessons they have learned on this trip back to Williamsburg.  Luke told the team that our faith can make just as much sense in Williamsburg as North Carolina if our hearts are receptive to the word(s) of God.  The team finished the night by splitting into small groups so that they could take some more intentional time to process their experience and discuss the things Luke brought up in his talk.

From our human minds and hearts the day was filled with unbelievable moments, but we serve a great God through whom all things are possible!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Philly Team Update, Day 3 - 7.10.13

Today was the mid-way point of our adventure in Philadelphia, and God has certainly continued to make Himself known through all of our experiences. We are excited to share with you some specific highlights from today's schedule.

Serving Group 1 -
Serving Group 1 got to experience a new part of Philadelphia this morning with a tour of China Town. Many of your children were amazed at all the unique things they could find at the Chinese market. One student commented, "This place looks and smells so much different from Williamsburg!" It is cool to see your children's eyes open up a bit and their perspectives broaden as they encounter all the diversity of a city like Philadelphia. After their time in China Town, Group 1 visited St. John's Hospice center and got the opportunity to not only serve a hot meal to the residents, but also to visit with them, too.
Just like yesterday, Serving Group 1 returned to the Neighborhood Center Summer Camp in Camden to continue to bond with the children there. The team played lots of different games with the kids including chess, Scrabble, and Connect Four. The group also ventured outside with the children to draw with chalk on the sidewalks and play knock-out on the basketball courts. Your children have really loved getting to return to the same sites for one part of the day because it's given everyone a great opportunity to really get to know the kids we are serving. It's incredible to see the kids' faces light up every time we return. 

Serving Group 2 -
Serving Group 2 started their morning serving at a ministry called Bethesda, a group of smaller, neighborhood-based homeless shelters that offer true community for men who need help getting back on their feet. The group swept, mopped, and did some general cleaning at two of the sites to help give the residents a sense of pride in their homes. After cleaning, half of the group helped prepare and serve lunch to some of the men, while the other half of the group grabbed gloves and trash bags and walked around the neighborhood picking up garbage. Several community members stopped the group in their efforts to let them know how much their work was appreciated, which made the team grateful to know their work was improving neighborhood morale.
After lunch, Serving Group 2 returned to the Honickman Learning Center Summer Camp to work with the children again. Team members split into groups to read about endangered species with the kids and then deliver reports to the rest of the class. Your children loved getting to help the kids improve their reading comprehension skills and gain confidence in their public speaking abilities. Their teacher, Ms. Chris, was filled with pride after hearing the kids deliver their reports. The team can't wait to return tomorrow afternoon to spend one more day with the children.

Serving Group 3 -
Serving Group 3 again spent their morning at the Honickman Learning Center, continuing to develop relationship with the low-income children there. The group also got to branch out and meet children from another classroom as they spent time helping the younger kids learn how to read. Before the Group left for lunch, one of the children asked, "Why do you have to leave? Who else do you need to help?" These boys and girls have absolutely loved spending time with our Chapel team, and their comments show us that they understand and appreciate our desire to love them and serve them, too.
In the afternoon, Serving Group 3 headed to the Simpson Home, an incredible assisted loving facility in the city. The group began their time there by going to the residents' rooms and helping them all make their way down to the dining hall, where everyone was treated to an awesome concert put on by a 30 person orchestra!  After the concert, your children brought the residents back to their rooms. Throughout the whole experience, the team was able to talk to the clients and ask them about their lives, which made the activity even better. After dropping all the residents off at their rooms, everyone got a tour of the expansive facility. The Simpson Home is an incredible facility with a church, a movie theater, a library, a barber shop, a thrift store, an ice cream parlor, and a bank. The area is almost like its own little city for the residents there. During the tour, the team was particularly amazed by the beautiful cross stitch artwork on the walls done by the residents. The team thoroughly enjoyed their time at the Simpson Home, and both the staff and the clients felt the same way.

Serving Group 4 - 
Serving Group 4 again returned to the Harold Davis Summer Camp for the morning to love on the kids there. The team played games with the children, as well as enjoyed some craft time together. After a little while, an epic kickball game broke out, proving that friendly competition can create wonderful bonds despite differences in ages, races, and socio-economic status.
For their afternoon site, Serving Group 4 took a turn at MANNA, a site visited by Serving Group 2 earlier in the week. As you might recall, MANNA provides 3 meals a day, 7 days a week for people with terminal illnesses to help them with their nutritional needs. The team enjoyed preparing and packaging the food as they sang along to some fun music in the kitchen. Knowing that their hard work would make a huge difference in the lives of MANNA's clients, and knowing that MANNA could not do all they do without the help of volunteers like them, made the entire team proud of all they had accomplished in one afternoon.

For dinner tonight, all the groups met together to enjoy pizza by the riverfront. The team enjoyed enormous slices while relaxing in the beautiful weather.  After filling our stomachs, everyone rode over to the Philadelphia Museum of Art (the steps of which were made famous in the movie "Rocky"). Instead of Porch Time tonight, the team split up into small groups in order to help process our experience. All small group leaders reported having great discussions with their kids, who have really been serving their hearts out the entire week. After small groups, the entire group got treated to a fun dessert of "water ice" (kind of like Philadelphia's version of Rita's or Sno-to-Go), which was the perfect way to end a full day of serving and processing.

It's hard to believe we only have two more serving days left in Philadelphia. We want to thank everyone for your prayers for this trip, and say a special "thank you" to everyone who was able to make it out to the prayer night. While we were in small groups, we truly felt God's hand guiding the conversations, and we know we have the prayers of our loved ones to thank for that provision.

Since our Friday schedule is a little different, tomorrow will be the last day some groups get to spend with the children at the camps/learning centers they've been working with. Please continue to pray for those relationships and for the children we are serving, that our efforts this week would make a lasting impact on their lives. Please also pray that God would continue to make Himself evident and allow His presence to be felt as we step out in faith to serve Him.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

North Carolina Team Update - 7.10.13

The North Carolina (NC) team took a day-off from painting the church at their main work site.  Instead they spent the morning visiting a local nursing home in Weaverville called the Brian Center.  NC teams have been visiting the Brian Center for the past five years and it has developed into one of the kid's favorite experiences on the trip.  The team arrived and split into small serving groups of 4-6 people.  Some of the groups worked on weeding, power washing, and picking up trash for the first part of the morning.  The grounds keeper was very appreciative because it is a large property and he was not able to handle all of the work by himself.   All of the other groups either spent time visiting residents in their rooms or brought residents down to the dining hall where we had setup games, a nail polish station, and music.  The team had one person playing the piano and a few others who created a small choir singing the worship songs from our team booklets that they used during Porch Time.  It was beautiful to watch the residents begin to smile as they sat and listened to the voices of kids that are the age of their grandchildren.  One of the most powerful testimonies from the day came from watching the kids break through the awkwardness of first meeting elderly men and women that they had never met before.  The entire building was filled with members of the team sharing love and care to the residents.  It was not only inspirational for the residents, but the Brian Center staff repeatedly commented on the impact the NC team was making.  As the team finished their time at the Brian Center, they were surprised to find out that the Brian Center staff had bought hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, and cookies for the team to grill out with. It was a great celebration of all that God was doing in and through the team.

After lunch the NC team headed up towards the blue ridge parkway to visit two unique spots in North Carolina: sliding rock and Looking Glass falls.  Sadly, sliding rock was closed for the day and so we were only able to take pictures.  However, Looking Glass Falls was an instant hit with the team as they were impressed by the large waterfall and had fun swimming in the water.  Following the swim it began to rain, and so the team picked up pizzas for dinner and headed to one of the summer intern's, Megan May, house because it has a big barn that we were able to fit into.  It was a great moment of provision by God because the barn provided a great space for the team to not only eat dinner, but also have a miniature Porch Time.  The team sang a few worship songs and then Luke gave a devotional thought from the day.  He used Romans 1:20 to talk about the knowledge we can gain from the natural world around us and how God is continually trying to keep us from putting God into a box.  The trip has already challenged some of the team member's limited views of God and Luke asked the team to reflect upon where God might be asking them to expand their view of God's presence in the world.  After Porch Time, Megan's family surprised the team with dessert.  It was another special moment for the team as they were once again blown away by the generosity of others.  Finally, the team loaded up and headed back to the housing site to clean up and get ready for bed.

It has been a truly wonderful and blessed day!  Thanks for all of your prayers and support that were lifted up at the prayer night or individually.  They are helping make a huge difference!

Philly Team Update, Day 2 - 7.9.13

God blessed us with another incredible serving day in the great city of Philadelphia! Today was a fun mix of new places and familiar faces as many groups not only got to partner with new organizations but also got to return to previous serving sites to continue developing relationships with children. 

Serving Group 1 -
Serving Group 1 began the day at Impact Thrift Store, an organization that donates the profits they make from the store to help local ministries. After sorting, stacking, and tagging hundreds of donations, the group drove back to Camden to reunite with their friends from the Neighborhood Center Summer Camp (the same site they had visited the day before). The Group helped clean up the gym at the facility and got to spend a lot of time interacting with and playing with the children. The team also got to meet Michael, the director of the center, who sincerely thanked the group for being there to love on those kids. Michael's gratitude was evident, and the team felt just as thankful to get to be a part of all that God is already doing in this place. 
Since they've been spending a lot of time driving in the van, Group 1 has started an exciting habit. Whenever the van stops at a red light, the team always scans the area to see if there are any homeless men or women around. If so, group members eagerly donate an extra portion of their lunches to that individual in need. The staff has been amazed at how your children are not just content to serve once they get to a site, but that they insist on taking every opportunity to serve that God puts in their path!
After dinner at a Jamaican restaurant, Group 1 got to take a turn experiencing the prayer tour in the evening. Many of your children boldly prayed out loud for the people of Philadelphia and the issues they face during this time. 

Serving group 2 - 
Serving group 2 spent the morning at Helping Hands Rescue Mission, an organization run out of a church building that ministers to homeless men in the area. The group was greeted by Pastor Mike, who has been serving with Helping Hands for over 15 years. After a brief orientation, the team split up into 3 groups. One group spent the morning in the kitchen creating snack packs for the homeless. Another group worked in the fellowship hall organizing care packages for the clients, while the third group spent some time outside beautifying the church grounds. The team was inspired by Pastor Mike's dedication to the Mission, and they felt privileged to get to be a part of all that Helping Hands is doing in the area. During lunch, Pastor Mike spoiled the group by sharing some delicious desserts with everyone. However, the team's favorite gift was Mike's words of encouragement and exhortation to the group, where he advised everyone to get a great education and to glorify God with their lives. 
In the afternoon, Group 2 returned to the Honickman Learning Center to continue to build relationships with the children there. The class Group 2 is working with wanted to do something to help others, so they decided to raise money for Operation Smile, an organization that funds surgeries for children with cleft lips/palettes. The team helped the children research the issue and create fliers to publicize their fundraising efforts. Seeing children who come from such challenging backgrounds and severe poverty want to reach out and help others was a humbling and motivating experience for Group 2.  
After leaving the Learning Center with promises to return the next day, Group 2 enjoyed some delicious Malian food at a local restaurant before embarking on the prayer tour. The team loved getting to see and pray for different parts of the city to end their serving day.

Serving Group 3 -
Serving Group 3 again started their day at the Honickman Learning Center and had the opportunity to take the kids to the pool for the morning. Your children were very intentional about building relationships with the kids during this fun activity, putting aside their own desires to focus in on the desires of the children. 
In the afternoon, Group 3 went to help at a ministry called Ray of Hope, started by a gentleman named Raymond Gant (who, interestingly enough, is highlighted in a book called "Everyday Heroes"). Today the group was helping Raymond literally clean up the streets around Kensington, one of the poorest neighborhoods in the city. The group did such a great job cleaning the area that Raymond let the group go early because they did even more than he was expecting. With their extra free time, the Group went to hang out by the famous LOVE statue before going to experience Hands of Hope, the ministry that hands out bagged dinners to the homeless in the area. Your children did an incredible job of loving homeless men and women in tangible ways by not only providing them with a meal but also by initiating conversations and helping people feel valued and important. 
For dinner, Group 3 joined with Group 4 to enjoy some Vietnamese cuisine. 

Serving Group 4-
In the morning, Serving Group 4 returned to the Harold Davis Summer Camp to take the children from the projects to the movies. Opportunities like this only exist for these children when there are volunteers present to take them, so the group felt very honored that they could bring a little joy in this way. After a great morning with the kids, Group 4 got to enjoy some "water ice," Philly's unique version of a slushy. After their post-lunch treat, the group went to the Salvation Army in the afternoon to serve. The team split up into two groups. One group took care of the grounds, doing general lawn care and improving the area. Inside, the second group spent their time cleaning and organizing the donations. At the end of their time at the Salvation Army, Pastor Tony prayed for the group and gave the team an awesome challenge. He encouraged your children not to be thermometers (people influenced by the conditions/environment around them), but to instead be thermostats (people who control or influence their environments). These inspiring words really resonated with the group as they reflected on all God has been teaching them so far. 
As mentioned above, Group 4 joined with Group 3 for dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant. Serving Group 4 also got to participate in the Hands of Hope program, delivering dinners to over a dozen homeless people and engaging several of them in conversations about life and faith. 

For Porch Time tonight, all groups met at the beautiful Azalea Gardens, which served as a wonderful backdrop to hear God's message to us this evening. Tonight Craig spoke on 2 Corinthians 4:7-12, urging us all to be vessels of God's love to everyone we meet. We were challenged to not only live this concept out on a mission trip, but to put this principle into practice back at home, too. 

Tomorrow night we will have a time of extended small groups in lieu of Porch Time. We hope you will help us prepare to discuss all that God is teaching us by attending the Wednesday night prayer meeting at 7pm in the SM Worship Room. Kelley and Jeff Clark will be leading that time, and we hope you will join us as we cover both the Philly and the North Carolina trips in prayer. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

North Carolina Team Update - 7.9.13

The North Carolina (NC) team had a day filled with moments that could only be remembered through praises to God.  After breakfast the team split into two serving groups for the day.  Group 1 went to the MANNA food bank in Asheville, NC where they had the opportunity to help an organization that exists primarily to help feed the poor and needy.  The girls in Group 1 spent the day sorting through eggs to discard the broken ones and re-package the good ones.  They went through thousands of eggs and the only explanation to describe the joy seen in them as they worked is the presence of God in them.  Praise God for the hard work shown by the Group 1 girls.  The guys in Group 1 spent the day breaking down boxes, putting uncooked pasta in bags, and sorting donated items.  One of the best memories from the day occurred when the guys were told they could take a 10 minute break and they quickly denied the break because they wanted to finish as much as they could before lunch.  Praise God for the energy and perseverance shown by the guys in Group 1 at MANNA.

Group 2 went back to our main work site where they continued to paint primer on the entire exterior of the New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church.  Group 2 continued the work begun on the previous day and started to prime the second half of the building that we had not been touched yet.  Watching 12-14 year old kids work for six hours painting a church building is one of the most inspiring sights.  God was clearly present in them as they diligently worked to complete as much of the building as they could.  Praise God for using one of the most unexpected age groups to prime a church building.  In addition to the painting, Group 2 was once again impressed by the kindness and servant-attitude of the lead pastor.  During lunch, Pastor Burgess came out and actually helped the team make its sandwiches for lunch.  Then he proceeded to once again surprise the group with ice cream sandwiches.  Praise God for men like Pastor Burgess that are eager to share God's love and be a part of God's work in the world no matter what age or size it comes in.

After the day of work, both Groups headed back to the housing site to  clean up and get ready for dinner.  Everyone enjoyed a little free time filled with volleyball, soccer, basketball, conversations, and devotionals after dinner before Porch Time.  Following free time, the entire team gathered together for Porch Time to share stories from the day, sing worship songs to God, and listen to a talk.  Watching kids break out of their comfort zone to sing worship songs and join together praising God was another powerful memory from the day. Then, Philippe Warren, who is a rising Senior at the University of Virginia and one of the leaders on the trip gave a message about one of the biggest lessons he has learned over the past four trips that he has come on to North Carolina.  He used Matthew 25 to help the team understand where to look for Jesus while on this trip.  He highlighted two main places where Jesus shows up: in the "least of these" and in us as we are Jesus to others.  The "least of these" are people that are desperately in need of help: financially, physically, or spiritually.  Matthew 25 shares a beautiful truth that as our team serves the "least of these" they are actually serving Jesus himself.  However, Jesus is not only in the "least of these" but he is also present in the team as they let God's Spirit guide them each day.  Immediately following Porch Time everyone split up into their small groups where they continued to discuss the lessons taught to them through Philippe.  Finishing the night with small groups once again gave great moments of praise to God as kids shared personal stories from the day and challenges they have face in trying to follow the lessons in Matthew 25.  

It truly has been a day filled with praiseworthy moments that the team can't wait to continue experiencing the rest of the week.  A final reminder that you all have an opportunity to gather for prayer and praises on Wednesday night starting at 7pm in the SM Worship Room at the Chapel.  Jeff and Kelly Clark will be leading the time for anyone that wants to join to lift up both the Philly and North Carolina teams to God.

Philly Team Update, Day 1 - 7.8.13

What an incredible way to start our week-long adventure in Philadelphia! God has already been showing up in tremendous ways, and we are excited to share with you all that has happened so far.

Our team is divided up into 4 separate serving groups. Each day the serving groups all head to different locations before meeting up at night for Porch Time (our daily gathering where we debrief the day and open God's Word together). On the blog, we will provide you with highlights from each serving group's activities.

Serving Group 1 -
Serving Group 1 started their day at Inglis House, a home for over 300 people who are wheelchair-bound for life. The team gave manicures to the residents, then played games with their new friends, who really enjoyed the friendly competitions of chess and shuffleboard. Before leaving, your children gave a short art lesson to the residents and then painted alongside them as they practiced some new skills. It was incredible to see God already teaching this group some incredible lessons about the value of looking at a person's heart and not his/her physical appearance. Our kids were reminded that a person's real value does not come from his/his physical abilities but from an identity in Christ.
After their time at Inglis House, Group 1 headed over to the community garden in Camden. Some students did yard work while others helped out at the Neighborhood Center Summer Camp, sorting and stocking donations, cleaning the facility, and playing with some of the local children. It was exciting to see the group serve in so many different ways all in the same day, giving us a taste of what it really looks like to be God's hands and feet on this earth.
Part of the experience on these urban mission trips is getting to try different ethnic restaurants for dinner. Serving Group 1 got to enjoy Malian food tonight at a local restaurant, and many of your children were pleasantly surprised by the new cuisine!

Serving Group 2 -
Serving Group 2 began their morning at MANNA, an organization that prepares meals 7 days a week for people with terminal illnesses. Your children chopped vegetables, packages meals, and labeled nutritious dinners that will soon be delivered to hundreds of people in great need. It was really cool for the kids to realize they truly were living out God's command to help feed people whom many would consider to be the "least" in our society.
After lunch at the site, Group 2 spent the afternoon at the Honickman Learning Center Summer Camp (the same location that Group 3 visited in the morning). At the Honickman Learning Center, children from the local area come to receive tutoring and to work on their basic skills, such as reading and speaking, in the hopes that they can get up to grade level by the end of the summer. Many of the kids who come to the Center start out severely behind educationally but, with the help of dedicated teachers and volunteers like your children, lots of them are able to make great progress. Group 2 got to connect with a group of rising 3rd graders for some one-on-one reading time. It was awesome to see your children sitting side-by-side with the younger kids, helping them sound out words and read together. As the group prepared to leave in the afternoon, all the children were thrilled to hear that we would be returning the next day to share more fun times together.
Group 2 combined with group 3 to enjoy some delicious Philly Cheese Steaks for dinner!

Serving Group 3 -
As mentioned above, Serving Group 3 began their day at the Honickman Learning Center. Since this was the first day of summer camp, the classroom teacher (Ms. Chris) needed a lot of help getting things prepped for the kids. The team helped Ms. Chris make schedules for the week, decorate the room, and set everything up for the incoming children. It was fun to see our students dive right in and get to know the kids right away. After spending some time going over the rules and orienting the kids to the program, the group got to take them out to recess, where they played games together and bonded even more. Group 3 will also be returning to the Learning Center this week to continue to build relationships with the children. God has already started growing the bonds between your children and the kids at the Center, and we can't wait to see all that He is going to do through these relationships. Ms. Chris said that groups like ours give these kids from the projects hope, and the team felt honored to be conduits of the incredible hope that we all have in Jesus Christ.
In the afternoon, Group 3 headed over to Whosoever Gospel Mission, an organization that helps homeless men transition off the streets and into full-time employment. Whosoever Gospel Mission owns several thrift shops to help fund its programs, so the team spent the afternoon folding clothing and sorting donations at one of the those locations. It has been fun to see each serving group bond doing tasks such as these, reminding us that a desire to serve can transcend all kinds of differences.
As mentioned before, Group 3 joined Group 2 to enjoy Philly's most famous food: delicious cheesesteaks!
After dinner, Group 3 went on a Prayer Tour of the city. Led by a CSM host, the prayer tour gives the group a chance to drive around the city of Philadelphia and pray for different areas, different challenges, and different people. It's also a great way to find out more about the area and the opportunities and challenges that exist within a city. Many of your kids boldly stepped up to pray out loud for Philadelphia, its people, and for God's love to move in big ways.

Serving Group 4 -
Serving Group 4 started their morning at the Harold O Davis Summer Camp, an organization designed to reach and impact inner-city children. The group had the privilege of taking the campers on a field trip to see a performance by a dance/acrobatic group. Both our team and all the children loved the performance. The camp director told the group that, unless they have volunteers like our team, the kids can't go on trips like this because they don't have adequate chaperones. What a privilege and responsibility it is to realize that so many people are really depending on us to show up and be "Jesus with skin on" in this broken world.
After the fun field trip, Group 4 spend the afternoon at City Team Ministries, a large organization just outside of Philly that serves as a soup kitchen, a homeless shelter, a food pantry, and a recovery center for former addicts. Half of the team got to help sort donations for women and children, while the other half of the group spent some time in the kitchen preparing a healthy dinner to serve to the clients. City Team Ministries is located in Chester, one of the poorest areas in the entire state of Pennsylvania. Group 4 really enjoyed the opportunity to shed some of God's light and hope into an otherwise dark and hopeless area.
After their time at City Team Ministries, Group 4 also took a prayer tour of the city.

To end the day, all four serving groups met up at a local park to connect and have some fun. After a little hang out time, we returned to the housing site for Porch Time, our nightly debrief opportunity. The first aspect of Porch Time is called "Remember that time..." where people share funny stories from the day's activities. After swapping stories, we move into a time called "I saw Jesus..." where leaders and students tell each other how they saw Jesus in each other and in the people we encountered throughout the day. After a time of worship, we finish Porch Time with a talk. Lex gave the message tonight on God's call on our lives. Lex looked at the story of the Israelites scouting out the Promised Land in Numbers 13, and she challenged us all to follow Caleb's example of trusting God as we step out in faith to "face the giants" we might encounter on this trip and in our lives back home.

Tomorrow is another full day of serving, and we are excited to see God continue to show up in new ways. Please continue to pray for us as we follow God's call to love by serving others. Pray for boldness, for relationships to grow, and for God to be glorified in all we do!

North Carolina Team Update - 7.8.13

The North Carolina (NC) team had a great first full-day down here in Asheville.  We began with a tasty breakfast followed by a time of worship led by the organization we partner with, Recreation Experiences.  It helped set the tone for the day and energized us to begin our first day at our main work-site for the week.  Following worship, the team loaded up and drove to their painting site which they learned is a 71 year old church in downtown Asheville, NC.  Upon arrival, Pastor Scott Burgess greeted the team with excitement and thanksgiving.  He has served as the lead pastor for the past two years and wants to see the church begin to grow again.  He gave the team a tour of the church, told them all about what God was doing in the community, and prayed for the day.  The entire group was impressed by the faith of the Pastor and his excitement about the future.  God was clearly at work in Pastor Burgess's life and it gave the team extra inspiration as they began to prime the entire outside of the church.

After the tour, work began on the church. The team split into groups of 3 or 4 in order to tackle separate spots on the church.  It truly was an amazing sight to watch 65 teenagers selflessly work on the church.  God was clearly working in and through each kid as the team painted throughout the day.  During lunch Pastor Burgess surprised the team by bringing ice cream sandwiches to say thank you for everything they had already done.  Our team was impressed to see how thoughtful the Pastor's actions were towards them.  Great progress was made on the church and the team looks forward to continuing there work on the church tomorrow.

After finishing work for the day, the NC team headed back to their housing site to clean up and eat dinner.  Following dinner the team had some free time to enjoy one another's company after a day of meaningful work.  To finish out the evening the group came together for their nightly "Porch Time" gathering.  Porch Time is an intentional time for everyone to begin processing their experience on the trip.  They begin by sharing funny stories from the day, followed by sharing places where individuals saw Jesus at work.  Then the team sings a few worship songs and listens to a staff member or leader give a talk about a bible lesson pertaining to the experience on the trip.  Tonight, Luke used the story of Jesus sending the seventy-two out on mission trips in Luke 10 to answer the question, Why do we come on this trip?  Luke shared about the fact that God has actually called each person specifically to be on this trip and that God is challenging each person on the team to "Leave Behind" some of the worries and distractions that often get in the way of our relationship with God.  After the talk, the team split into small groups for further discussion about the things they have experienced and the truths Luke showed them from the Bible.  It has been a great day filled with moments where God was seen in and through the North Carolina team.

Also just a reminder that there will be a prayer time for friends and family to join together at 7pm in the SM Worship Room at the Chapel to pray for both the Philly and North Carolina teams.  Jeff and Kelley Clark will be leading the time of prayer.

Check back again tomorrow for more details from our trip!

Monday, July 8, 2013

North Carolina Team Update - 7.7.13

The North Carolina (NC) team had a great trip up to our housing site in Weaverville, NC.  One of the great things about bus rides is that they give immediate opportunities for the kids to bond with each other and with their leaders.  God created us for relationships and it has already been amazing to watch God begin to work through the relationships on the team.  After arriving at our housing site the team met the Recreation Experience staff and received a brief orientation.  Then our team got settled into our rooms and headed to bed.

The team is excited to begin our work project tomorrow.  We found out that we will actually be participating in a large painting project because the digging site did not end up being ready.  There is a long approval process involved for a work site to be arranged and the digging site is not ready.  The project change actually brought some excitement as some of the team already has some painting experience from last year.  The team is eager to learn more about the history and background of our work site tomorrow and ready to serve the needs of the Asheville community.

Just a reminder that the blog will be updated every night.  The blog will be updated late in the evening so you will want to check in the next day to follow along.  A text will be set out every morning to let you know that the blog has been updated.  If you are not already on our text list for the trip and would like to receive text updates and reminders throughout the trip then text the word NCPARENT to the number 41411.  You should receive a welcome text which will verify that you signed up correctly.

Also, don't forget that Jeff and Kelley Clark will be leading a time of prayer for both the Philly and NC trips on Wednesday evening starting at 7pm in the SM Worship room at the Chapel.  Anyone is welcome to join as we would love to continue to have all of your prayers and support.

That is all for day one but check back again tomorrow to hear about our first day at the work site.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Philly Team Has Arrived Safely!

The High School Philadelphia mission team has arrived safely at our housing site. Thank you to everyone for all your prayers for safe travel! After a delicious meal at an Indian restaurant, the team has now settled in for the night and is about to head to bed. We are all looking forward to our first full serving day tomorrow, and we can't wait to see all that God has in store for us this week.

We will update the blog each night with highlights from our day. Most blog updates will happen late in the evening, so we will send you a reminder text every morning that the blog is ready for you to view.

To receive text updates, make sure you text the word PHILLYPARENT to the number 41411. You should receive a "welcome" text in response if it is done correctly.

One final reminder: Jeff and Kelley Clark will be hosting a prayer night on Wednesday, July 10th at 7pm in the SM Worship Room to pray for both the Philly team and the Middle School North Carolina team. We hope you will plan to join them on Wednesday.

Again, thank you all for your support! A trip like this would not be possible without our incredible families and friends.

Philly & NC Team Travel Updates

The Middle School North Carolina mission team and the High School Philadelphia mission team leave today after church for their respective locations. We will provide travel updates via our text lists. To sign up for those text updates:

  • For the NC trip, text the word NCPARENT to the phone number 41411.
  • For the Philly trip, text the word PHILLYPARENT to the phone number 41411.
We will update the blog this evening when each team reaches their final destination. 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Philadelphia Team Final Details

The Philadelphia team is meeting at 10am this Sunday to head up to the city of Brotherly Love. We will check in and pack the vans before attending the 11am SM service together. We will load up the vans immediately after the service and head up I-95 for a great week in Philly. Please make sure that your child has a packed lunch for the ride up to Philadelphia.

We hope to arrive back in Williamsburg on the 13th by 5pm. We will update this blog throughout the week recapping each day as well as sending out a daily text to the parent list. If you have not subscribed to that please text PHILLYPARENT to 41411. we will also use this list to keep up updated as to our exact arrival time on the 13th.

Below is the packing list and parental consent form for a serving site (MANNA) we will be at next week. If you haven't given us a filled out MANNA form please bring one on Sunday. We will also have them available at check in.

Packing List


If you have any questions please call Craig (614.425.5142) or Alexis (941.1241)

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

North Carolina Team Final Details

The NC Mission team is leaving this Sunday on our trip.  We are asking the team to come to bring all of their bags to the 11am Student Worship Service and then we will pack them after the service.  Once the Chapel minibuses are finished shuttling people on Sunday morning then we will finalize our packing and leave.  We are shooting to leave no later than 1:30pm.  Please be sure to have a packed lunch with you to eat on the bus.  Also, every kid will need money for one fast food meal on the way down to North Carolina.

We will return no later than 6pm on Saturday and the kids will need money for one fast food meal on the way back as well.

Below is a link for the packing list if you don't already have one as well as all of the forms.

Packing List

Recreation Experience Forms

WCC Parental Consent Form

Please feel free to contact Luke Kincaid at 941-1572 or with any further questions.