Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Missions Overnight This Weekend - 6/1-6/2

The Missions Team Overnight is this coming weekend. The overnight begins at 6:30pm on Friday, June 1st in the SM Worship Room. Students should please eat dinner beforehand (dinner is NOT provided). The overnight will end at 2pm on Saturday, June 2nd. Drop off and pick up is at the Chapel. We will provide snacks on Friday, as well as breakfast and lunch on Saturday

For the overnight, students will need:
-sleeping bag, pillow, toiletries (no showers available), and something to sleep in
-athletic clothes and tennis shoes for Saturday

For the Nicaragua Team, the following are due:

  • copy of your passport
  • all other forms (ONet consent form, WCC Parental consent form)
    • To find out if you are missing any forms, email Alexis at
  • hygiene donations (each student is asked to donate:
    •  1 large (20-24 ounce) bottle of shampoo 
    • 1 large tube of toothpaste
    • 1 package of 4 toothbrushes

For the DC Team, please make sure you have a Parental Consent form on file. If you are unsure if you have one, email Craig at

For the North Carolina Team, all forms are due. Please make sure you bring any outstanding forms to the overnight.

For the Norfolk Team, since this is your first meeting, no forms are needed at this time. You will eventually need a WCC Parental Consent form to go on this trip. To find out if you already have one on file for this year, email Luke at

Questions? Please contact:
Nicaragua: Alexis -; 941-1241
DC: Craig -; 941-1225
MS Trips: Luke -; 941-1572

We look forward to seeing everyone on Friday!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

MS NC Mission Trip Meeting #1

Thank you to everyone that came out to the meeting last night.  It was very encouraging to see the team of kids excited to encounter God down in North Carolina this summer.  Below is all of the information that we reviewed and discussed last night:

PowerPoint Slides from the Parent Meeting:
Parent Meeting Slides

Checklist of things to bring in and do:

Consent Forms required by the organization we partner with:

WCC Consent Form: If your child went on the ski trip then we already have one on file

Small Group Questions Discussed by the students and leaders:

Our next meeting is the Missions Team Overnight starting at 6:30pm on Friday June 1st and ending at 2pm on Saturday June 2nd.  Our final meeting is on June 13th from 6:30-8:30pm.

The trip dates are July 8-14.

Please feel free to email Luke Kincaid at or call him at 941-1572 with any questions.

HS Washington DC Team Meeting #1 - 5.16.12

Thanks to all of the parents and students that were able to make the meeting last night.  We as a staff are extremely excited to start the mission trip season because we are eager to see students experience transformation on all of the trips! Below is the information that was discussed at the meeting last night.

Meeting #1 Checklist
Meeting #1 PowerPoint
CSM Overview 

The only form that is required for this trip is the WCC Parental Consent Form. Most of the forms are in, but if you need a copy, please click the link, print and fill out a copy.  (Alexis is a notary)

The next team meeting is the Team Overnight which begins on Friday, June 1st at 6:30pm and lasts until Saturday, June 2nd at 2pm. Please eat dinner beforehand on Friday. Breakfast and Lunch will be provided on Saturday.

Our final team meeting will be on Wednesday June 13th from 6:30-8:30 in Woodward Hall. The final balance will be due at this time.

For the teaching portion of the meeting we introduced and discussed Gideon. If you would like to review the passage and the discussion questions the link is below.

Meeting #1 Discussion Questions

If you have any further questions please feel free to call (614.425.5142) or email ( me (Craig).

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

HS Nicaragua Team Meeting #2 - 5.15.12

Great meeting tonight, Team! Below is the information that was discussed. Please review all the documents and make sure you (and your family) are informed about all the important details.

Meeting #2 Checklist (with updated flight information on page 2!)

***Due to adjustments by the airlines, several drop off times have changed. All groups will now be dropped off and picked up at the Chapel. Again, please review the Checklist for complete details.

Paperwork (WCC Consent Form and ORPHANetwork Release Form) was due tonight! Please make sure all paperwork (including a copy of your passport) is in by the team overnight on June 1st (at the latest)!

The next team meeting is the Team Overnight which begins on Friday, June 1st at 6:30pm and lasts until Saturday, June 2nd at 2pm. Please eat dinner beforehand on Friday. Breakfast and lunch will be provided on Saturday.

Our final team meeting is Tuesday, June 12th from 6:30-8:30pm in the SM Worship Room. This is our final training and packing meeting, so please bring all donations at this time.
For a list of specific donations that ORPHANetwork is looking for, please check the list at:

Finally, each year we focus on bringing a specific type of donation to our ministry partners in Nicaragua. This year we are focusing on toiletries. Each student should purchase one 20-24 ounce bottle of shampoo, one large tube of toothpaste, and one package (4-count) of toothbrushes, and bring these items to the team overnight. If your family would like to go above and beyond, we will also be collecting new packages of socks and underwear for children age 5 to 18.

If you would like to review the teaching covered tonight, please take a look at the discussion questions posted here:

Meeting #2 Discussion Questions

If you have any questions about anything, please don't hesitate to call or email me (Alexis) at 919-260-0719 (cell) or