Tuesday, May 18, 2010

HS DC Training Meeting #1 - Info & Checklist

Parents, please make sure you subscribe to receive our text updates. Simply type your cell phone number into the icon below and hit submit. You should receive a confirmation text message.

Washington, DC Team
May 12th Checklist

□ Blog: http://wccstudentministriesmissiontrips.blogspot.com/
o We will post all training information, as well as trip updates, here.

□ Subscribe to updates via text messaging:
o Parents: Text “dcparent” to 41411
o Students: Text “dcstudent” to 41411

- Read Over CSM Literature

- Make sure that you have a WCC Parental Consent form on file (we should have one if you went on this year’s ski trip – check with Alexis if you’re unsure)

- Total Trip Cost $450: Most people have already paid the deposit of $150, leaving the remaining balance at $300. The final payment is due at or before the final training meeting on June 9th.

Our next meeting is our team overnight on June 4th from 6:30 pm until June 5th at 2pm at the Chapel.
Please bring sleeping bags, pillows, and athletic clothes/shoes.

Our final team meeting is June 9th from 6:30-8:30 pm in Room 221 (Ross Hall)
Pre-Trip Curriculum
Acts 9:1-4- The Beautiful Struggle

Discussion Questions

1. In the spirit of the idea that the word “Meanwhile” is very important to our passage, describe how you came to be sitting in this room talking with people about going to Nicaragua. How might God have been working in the background to bring you to this moment?
2. Who is your Gamaliel?
3. What are you near on your life’s journey? What goals are you close to fulfilling?
4. Where is God currently pricking your conscience?
5. It would be extremely difficult for me to find out that I was wrong about X. What is X for you? (Think outside the realm of religion.)
6. What makes you nervous about “The Beautiful Struggle” on this trip? What makes you most excited?

HS Nicaragua Training Meeting #2 - Info & Checklist

Parents, make sure you have subscribed to get our text updates and alerts. Enter your cell phone number into the cell phone icon below, then hit subscribe. You should receive a confirmation text.

Nicaragua Mission Team
May 11th Checklist

- Blog: http://wccstudentministriesmissiontrips.blogspot.com/

□ Subscribe to updates via text messaging:
o Parents: Text “nicaparent” to 41411
o Students: Text “nicastudent” to 41411

- Support Letters
o Turn support money into Alexis as it comes in.
o Write thank you notes to the people who send you monetary support immediately.

- Passport
o Bring a copy of your passport by the overnight on June 4th

- Forms – MUST be turned in by the overnight on June 4th
o ORPHANetwork form
o Notarized WCC Parental Consent form

- Travel Plans – let your parents know!
o Seniors – your flight departs from Reagan Airport at 7:10am on Tuesday, 6/22. Meet at the Chapel at 2am on Tuesday, 6/22.
o Juniors & Sophomores – your flight departs from Reagan Airport at 3:10pm on Tuesday, 6/22. Meet at the Chapel at 8am on Tuesday, 6/22.
o Exact flight numbers and return flight details will be updated in our next post.

- Donations
o If you have donations, bring them to our final team meeting on June 15th. We will post a list of needs from Casa on the blog. Please bring only quality donations and store them at your house until our final meeting.

Team overnight begins on June 4th at 6:30pm and goes until June 5th at 2pm. Meet at the Chapel. Bring a sleeping bag, toiletries, and athletic clothes/shoes.
Final team meeting is June 15th from 6:30-8:30 pm in SM Worship Room

Pre-Trip Curriculum #1:
Acts 9:1-4- The Beautiful Struggle

Discussion Questions

1. In the spirit of the idea that the word “Meanwhile” is very important to our passage, describe how you came to be sitting in this room talking with people about going to Nicaragua. How might God have been working in the background to bring you to this moment?
2. Who is your Gamaliel?
3. What are you near on your life’s journey? What goals are you close to fulfilling?
4. Where is God currently pricking your conscience?
5. It would be extremely difficult for me to find out that I was wrong about X. What is X for you? (Think outside the realm of religion.)
6. What makes you nervous about “The Beautiful Struggle” on this trip? What makes you most excited?

Nica Pre-Trip Curriculum #2:
Acts 9:1-9- Struggle with Me

Discussion Questions

1. What are you near on your life’s journey? What goals are you close to fulfilling?
2. It would be extremely difficult for me to find out that I was wrong about X. What is X for you? (Think outside the realm of religion.)
3. Where is God currently pricking your conscience?
4. Do you feel like you every miss seeing Jesus at work in your life due to your own attitude? Explain.
5. How might a particular issue or character trait you struggle with get in the way of you experiencing Jesus in Nicaragua?
6. What makes you nervous about “The Struggle with Me” on this trip? What makes you most excited?

Needs from Nicaragua:

Below is a list of need from the Casa Bernabe Orphanage. If you are able to bring any of these to our final packing meeting, that would be a huge blessing.

Personal Hygiene
Delousing shampoo
Large Toothpaste
Disposable razors
Combs and hairbrushes
Liquid hand soap
Nail clippers
Delousing combs

First Aid
Boxes of Band-Aids
Rubbing alcohol (liters)

Medical prescriptions
Acetaminophen (Tylenol) pills
Panadol Cold and Flu
Cofal, Cepol (Cefalexin), Diclofenac gel (cream)
Diclofenac pills
Saline Solution (liters)
Dimetapp, Bromhexine, Diphenhydramine (Benadryl), Ketotifeno

Smoke Detectors
Flashlights and bulbs

Scientific Calculators
Spanish-English dictionaries
Spanish dictionaries
Sheets (for children and adolescents)
Shoes for school
Musical Instruments (Yamaha Flutes/Recorders)
Musical Instruments (Yamaha Guitars)
Surge plugs and protectors
Ink cartridges

Monday, May 17, 2010

MS North Carolina Training Meeting #1 Information

Middle School North Carolina Mission Trip

Here is a brief list of the information you need from the first training meeting including all of the forms you need to turn in.

Text Updates:
Type your number and hit the subscribe button on the cell phone image below if you want to receive text updates and reminders from us.

Mission Trip Organization Information:
ReCreation Experience
Address: 53 Red Oak School Road
Weaverville, NC 28787

Future Training Dates:
June 4th-5th - Mission Team Overnight
Time: 6:30 pm Fri. until 2:00 pm Sat.
Where: SM Worship Room

June 9th - Final Team Meeting
Time: 6:30-8:30 pm
Where: SM Worship Room

Forms to turn in:
Recreation Experiences Forms
Experience Activities Consent & Medical Treatment Content
Covenant of Behavior

WCC Parental Consent Form

Packing List:

Work Site
       Shoes/Boots – Sandals cannot be worn at the work sites
       Shorts – Not too short
       Work Pants
       Water Bottle
       Work Gloves
       Rain Jacket
       Last Name A-J à Hammer and Nail Apron
       Last Name J-Z à Paint Brush and Plastic Paint Bucket

Housing Facility

       Comfortable Clothing
       Sleeping Bag
       Sandals (for shower)
       Athletic shoes
       Bible and Journal
       Tooth brush
       Tooth paste
       Other Toiletries you need
       Wash Cloth
       Light Jacket if there is a cool night
       $ for one fast food meal on the way up and one on the way back

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Luke Kincaid at 757-941-1572 or email him at lkincaid@wcchapel.org